ONYX Time Attack - June 27th, Dunnville, 12-6pm

We have a time attack session this saturday at Dunnville.

I have the timing system all ready to go.

The difference about this week is that Josh and Mike will not be there because Josh is in Japan and Mike is off being awesome somewhere which means i’ll be leading the track day, drivers session and the timing system.

PM me if you are planning on coming and i could use some help if there are any passengers that want to get a little involved.

My car should be back out there as well…

weather looks to be awesome for saturday… no rain.

there are more people coming that are posted on this list… i just havent updated it… no time to worry about it… just come and race.

great day today guys…

for the SON guys that were there, my apologies for the timing system failure, the connection to the circuit board failed… we actually had everything else ready to go too… shitty.

my car felt incredible most of the day… two 12+ lap runs all out… was lapping the same R-comped cars over and over again…lol… had some break up at the end but nothing that some attention to the ignition cant fix.

see you out there next time…

will update with pics when the photographers get them up

cross posted pics from NYspeed…

what a gorgeous day it was