oooeeeeee, ouch!

Formula D this weekend…

i think thats called plow,

unfortunatly concrete is not snow, maybe he was confused?

a severe case of push or the dreaded understeer.

It hurts to see an r33 go down :frowning:

that really sucks.

at least we know the airbags worked.

That’ll buff right out.

his face in the first pic says it all


That’s a real shame…

But man, those pics are really good…the detail and all…

That’s not gonna be his Daily Drifter anytime soon. lol I love how the fluids just explode from the car. It is a shame to see a person crash but it really is a part of the sport. And freeze frame made me tittle just a little bit.

Apparently that was his friends car. Not his.
And this happened in practice.


That’s awesome.

Balls out man.

Look at the pics in order…

1st pic = ohhh noes!!!

2nd pic = spine shuddering brace for impact

3rd pic = WHAM! owned in the face by airbag

Damn those are some seriously awesome shots…

it doesn’t look too bad, it will buff out.
:lol: :lol: