so u smacked up ur 240sx

so i was just wondering who all here has f’ed up there 240sx?.. when posting please include a pic or to and post a discription of crash . i’ll go first was drivining down highway 6 when they were doing construction and it was busy , so im just crusin then trafficcstarts 2 slow down up front, i look behind me to see this shitty ass ford explorer not slowing down , in my mind im like ah fuck… i push the clutch in and brace for impact i had no way to avoid it car in front concrete barrier to the right and cube van to the left … end result was insurance shafted me didn’t wanna fix the car. trunk floor was mutched pushed back 3 inches

shitty man

hit a puddle

f150 backd into it

And then he got a call saying his house flooded.

Rough day for bucky. Hahahahahahah

^^ something happened with his brakes too :P, crazyness

hit a deer on the way back from Dunnville a couple years ago with my dad in the car.

then cut it up:

I remember seeing those pic from when it happened :frowning:

beginning of 2009, smashed up the rad support and bent that upper rail thingy.

awesome overs

it was a ruuuufff one

Pooped on my hood fender and bumper.

Rad support was bent (as a usual s13 will do) and everything else cosmetic was fumbledumbled.

little crash at my local drift event !!!

^^Where’s local for you?

The thing that burn me the most about the accident (that happened on a Thursday), is that I just got a tie rod fixed for Shannonville the coming Saturday…I miss that car!! i need a RHD S14 :slight_smile:


^^^^^ last post was in 07 id prolly get yelled at or some shit

Lol, that’s the coupe Terry always tells me about?

I once got a scratch on my car, but I don’t have a pic I got it fixed right away… like an hour later lol!

hit a concrete wall.

got t-boned.