I got something for you:

I finally got the damn picture to upload from my phone. Last thursday night I got a call that one of the ‘former’ rochester car guys was going to be back in town for a couple days so we were all going to meet up at H-hots. Well, the plane didn’t come in until 11 so I ate this steak and cheese master piece at around 12:15… of course I had a 4 mile run at 6 the next morning. :lol
damn you and damn rochester with their garbage plates
mother fuck that looks great, thanks for making my day
Only thing I miss about RIT was Henrietta Hots! lmao. Those were soooooo good when you’re hammered at 3am!
Ahhh, and the little baggy of bread they give you was icing on the cake
i’m so getting a garbage plate next weekend when i’m out there… the best part is when you eat a garbage plate it looks the same going in that it does coming out