Open Dumped WG Opinions

I’m basically looking for opinions, experiences, MEDIA (v8 gas), etc

I’m trying to decide whether to go through the trouble of dumping my waste back into the DP. It can be done, but it’ll be a squeeze, which isn’t a problem, but i’m keeping all options open at this point. I just really dont know what to expect since this motor should sound pretty deep, and a little more lumpy than my past builds. I don’t want the car to sound like ass when I’m on it, but keep in mind i will have the cutout open for racing anyway, however, that being turbo muffled exhaust…

if anybody comes across a gas V8 open dump clip, please post it up, ESP if its an LSx. My ass turbo setup was open dump, but i don’t think that’s a good gauge


this seems mild though :gotme:

edit: nm, i skimmed, but reread and it said wastegates open :banghead:

um get some 15in subs and forget about it?:gtfo:

fuck it… bad idea

no OWG is fantastic. i personally will always run open on a vehicle with a significant sized turbo. i would say do it.

that is of course u arent going to be driving the fbod enough to get stopped for it

I had mine dump right onto the firewall…
no pipes, no flanges, no problem…

Well… it did only last a week and made my entire engine compartment
look like shit.

I cant speak for v8’s ( ive only heard 4cyl’s with dumps) but I love the dump, the look on the faces of cars as i pass by them and the sound is just priceless, and i only have a 4cyl, so if its like anything else it has to sound 2x as good on a v8 lol!

Have it dump out the fenderwell??

what size wastegate? dump it…less restrictions

I have heard people saying that running a wg back into the exhaust can cause the wg pulses to slow the regular exhaust pulses

im running a dump this year, loud as hell… def yea. i cant see myself NOT getting atleast a few tickets this year because of it

44mm TiAL…

open exhaust, this engine should sound like a track BBC. plus a loud as hell turbo. i mean, this turbo screams…ill get a vid.

i wish i could see if i like it before i got my shit coated.

Just put a cutout in the dump tube, so if you like it you can open it when you want to be obnoxiously loud.

Mine made my ears bleed in small tunnels, I literally have had to pull over before after a single lane one way tunnel because my head was ringing so badly. But it’s awesome for screwing with people when you go past them. I’ll be putting cutouts on both my turbo setups this year.

:tup: Open wastegate

It all depends on the way its done and the size of piping. I am going to recirc my car only because I planned on it from day one, hence I choose 3.5" exhaust over the 3" I would have used if I was going to stay atmosphereic dump. I just don’t need the extra noise of the wastegate, plus I am a little more considerate to other drivers. Last year when I would pass somebody in full boost, you should have seen them swerve and some pulled over and put there 4 ways on, I guess they thought something broke or they were having a heart attack.

The power lose on something of your cars nature would be minimal, probably in the 1-3% range again depending on turbo outlet size, exhaust size, wg size, merge spot and angle. Then again you have a cutout… so what are you worried about noise for?

turbo outlet = 5"
DP = necked to 4" (not exactly a easy squeeze)
space for WG; recirc etc = rather limited

i do drive the car a lot, and im not so much worried about the car being loud, but i am worried about drone, annoying sounds, something that’s going to give me a headache etc. if it’s going to sound like an exhaust leak, i want none of it.

When will you see full boost? What is full boost? What rpms do you cruise at?

cruise around 1700rpms.
playful cruise all over the place

i honestly dont know when i will have full boost, but im working on keeping it as low as possible. im thinking mid to high 4k. i can only fit so much in terms of exhaust, and while it will have a 4" cutout, this turbo is quite a bit more HD over the little 76gts.

full boost on pump will be anywhere from 7-12psi. on race gas, i wont care about the noise, because ill be racing. the turbo will push 25psi, at which point will blow the heads off.

Dumping will always be the easiest and in your case you shouldn’t hear it to much. Remember its only loud when you hit your preset boost.

From personal expierience with my 302 I say recirculate it.