open invite to SON leaders..

from anotherpost I did

FYI… SON used to have Tech sessions when Philip, me and David used to run this club, we covered all of these types of things in detail…

I would be more than willing to host another such Tech day, at ORF, with a turbo charging class/technical session… with the exacy details of how and why turbos work… ect…

That sounds like a good idea to me. Did you have any date in particular in mind? I can get the ball rolling on spreading the word around.

Regional leaders only?

Early November would be best, as race season is over

Sounds good.

yeah “leaders”?

would this be a somewhat open invite?

Potluck lunch?

i meant… let the SON leaders put together a time and get people to come… i would do the tech session…and obviously its open to all SON members

Adam, I sent you an email so that we can go over a few things and get this setup.

and who dosen’t like potluck?

did you send it to ? i have not gotten any e-mail yet

I’ll let Phil take the reigns solo on this one, I won’t be here in November!

Sent you an email at

Yes I did.

ill be there

im in as long as its in Toronto or GTA