
Hi Guys,
so I was in contact with CASC, and they sent me the info on what is involed to be CASC affiliated.

we need to be listed as a non profit group/incorporated
we need to pay $300 to CASC
we need to have 4 meeting minutes
and club constitution
and cant vote on CASC issues until 1 years probation is over…

really its not to hard…

I am willing to set up and run SON-R group…and will act as treasuer

We will need…
1=vice president
2=events co-ordinator
3=other positions

my plans are to be CASC affiliated , so we can host and ride thier race insurance…start hosting SON-R lapping days…and maybe even host a drift or solo 1 day.

SON-R Benifits will be
1=CASC affiliated club membership, that allows you to solo 1, road race affiliation that is required.
2=dedicated board that is race oriented
3=it will be a organized, and private group thats intention is the promotion on nissan racing in sanctioned events
4=free lapping at SON-R lapping days…or very reduced lapping rates…

what i need is a list of who will want to become a paying member…yearly membership will be from $50-65 dollar range…as most of the other CASC clubs are in that Range…

I would like to get a core group of people together to discuss all of this, and we should have a meeting soon…January would be good… I will host it up at ORF/ my house, and we can discuss how to move forward, and what things we would like to address…

I am very open to hosting drifting events, and time attack events…in Fact we could set up some of these events with some of the other big CASC clubs… I know most of the presidents so we could have some open dialogue with them on these issues…

1=adam hutchinson…yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R

son-r is a much better way of creating a more focused sub-group in the son240sx community rather than arbitrarily chosing people.

the only real hurdle i see is that being officially registered as a non-profit or incorporated. does it cost $$$ to be non-profit registered? because i know it is several hundred for incorporation, i could get it done for under $1000 cdn with my lawyer.

Someone like Derek should be a significant part of this from an event execution point of view since he has done many of these lapping days.

it might be a good idea for you to contact him specifically about this actually because i know he is already scheduling lapping days at dunneville, among others.

*edit -

1=adam hutchinson…yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong… i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?

i cannot commit to 4 lapping days because of my hectic scedule.

can a non son-r member come race for extra dollars for one or two events?

Oh come on…

willing to be a paying member but can’t offer much help during the spring/summer.

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.


1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.
5=Antonio - w00t w00t!

I can help with anything that doesn’t really involve me being local, and I plan on making as many track days as possible.

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.
5=Antonio - w00t w00t!
5=Pete Bouchard - Paying Member

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.
5=Antonio - w00t w00t!
6=Pete Bouchard - Paying Member
7=Andrew Cassidy - Paying Member.

As we spoke about before, I’m in. Anything I can offer to help out, I will.


Adam, check your PM’s

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.
5=Antonio - w00t w00t!
6=Pete Bouchard - Paying Member
7=Andrew Cassidy - Paying Member.
8=Theo23 - I’m down for sure!

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.
5=Antonio - w00t w00t!
6=Pete Bouchard - Paying Member
7=Andrew Cassidy - Paying Member.
8=Theo23 - I’m down for sure!
9=Overb0ost AKA Samson- down for sure.

However, i suggest some people who are not fully involved with SON should be able to have first dibs.

Obviously someone who has responsibility and good morales would be able to be elected for such a position. I have nothing against other people who are involved with SON or whatnot, but it would be a good chance for people to get their hands into this scene. Its always nice to see different faces.

I personally would like to see Theo involved in this, as i trust him and he has always been there to help me out. Even tho he makes no extra money, he’s ready to answer questions that boggles my mind.

Theo, you have my count for whatever position you take up.

+1 for Theo.

I would like to see at least 50%+ of this SON-R board non-moderator/adminstrative.

If you want to argue whatever with me, it just shows your closed-minded mentality. I will not argue with whatever reason people say.

It is just PERSONAL preference. I would like to see other people involved other than the regular people that are heavily involved with SON or setting up track days etc. i know people will give explanations of jibberish like experience and etc, but if the person is mature and has reasonable knowledge of the scene, he/she has my count.



I’d actually like to see serious racers in charge b/c that would set the overall club attitude toward… racing. I think Sasha should be VP if he has the time for it, and if not then Andrew.

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.
5=Antonio - w00t w00t!
6=Pete Bouchard - Paying Member
7=Andrew Cassidy - Paying Member.
8=Theo23 - I’m down for sure!
9=Richard (roast) - Paying Member

Hi guys,

seeing how true domocracy really tends to turn things into shit :slight_smile: this is going to be run as a company.

I will run the club, with input from its members… no kiddies will take over, this will be run like a proper CASC club…only paying members who abide by whatever constitution we decide will be allowed to be active in it…no one else will be allowed…simple as that…all of the goobers and slack will be cut free…only members will have access and be allowed access…

the other positions can be democratic, however we need the right people…

guys I am 35, and want to do this , because I like 240sx’s, I like racing, and want to support our community. I have no alterior motives, no reason to suck money from it, no stuff to sell basically I am nuetral and want to promote nissans…

I will take the time and effort and money to set it up…I will front the money for incorporation, and CASC fees…and once things are established slowly be paid back from membership fees for the initial outlay…but WILL 100% need people to help if we start doing lapping days ect…

I will 100% need someone to help me with the set up of the website forum crap…I have free internet webhosting space…from one of my race sponsors…so we can have a stable, longterm site for our private forum…BUT 100% will need help on setting it up and getting it going…

I want this to be a dedicated race club, that promotes the racing of nissan vehicles, specifically s13, s14 chassis, that ius involved with regional, drift, and solo 1, solo 2 race series.

I want us to plan and execute a drift event…
I want us to eventually plan and execute a solo 1 event.
I want us to plan and execute lapping days
I want us to plan and execute tech days, and other events…

we need to get a meeting time set up, so we can discuss these issues, and how to move forward…

This sounds like a real good idea, the closer I get to finishing my build the more I think about getting involved in track days, I was hoping this will be the season I start going to every track lapping day that I can, but that will all depend on how the build goes.

Time wise I have all the time in the world, but never the funds (owning a Machine shop with the old man does that to you)

I will keep a very close eye on this and hopefully contribute in any way that I can, I’d like to say I’m in 100% and could make all the events but its all a matter of $$

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.
5=Antonio - w00t w00t!
6=Pete Bouchard - Paying Member
7=Andrew Cassidy - Paying Member.
8=Theo23 - I’m down for sure!
9=Richard (roast) - Paying Member
10=Phil Yap - Paying member

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.
5=Antonio - w00t w00t!
6=Pete Bouchard - Paying Member
7=Andrew Cassidy - Paying Member.
8=Theo23 - I’m down for sure!
9=Richard (roast) - Paying Member
10=Sasha - Paying Member + More if desired (I’ll talk to you over email Adam)

thanks for the kind words antonio you make me blush

1=adam hutchinson - yes i will commit and am interested in being part of SON-R
2=Bing Wong - i will pay membership fee in support but i wont be able to attend a meeting in january.
3=Bob - Count me in Adam, when do you want to discuss positions?
4=tosh - paying member.
5=Antonio - w00t w00t!
6=Pete Bouchard - Paying Member
7=Andrew Cassidy - Paying Member.
8=Theo23 - I’m down for sure!
9=Richard (roast) - Paying Member
10=Dan (Happy240sx) - Paying member and will help with anything else.

Adam, i am sure you could be given a private section on SON where you are in control of who has access and you would be the moderator rather than starting a whole other website. At least in the beginning this would be easier and if you see the need to seperate entirely then do so afterwards.