ADMIN: 'leadership' change >> moved to MEMBERS

This topic has been on my mind for the last year or so, and has been brought up in a thread or two.

Should the Administrative body of this club be rearranged, or should we keep the activity to the current minimum that it is?


ps: I would accept nomination for any position people here would see me fit for.

Not a self plug, just giving you guys options.


yes this place needs a damn change badly

go on some other forums and see how they are operated, much better than here.

all the admins should be kicked out of power and new admins should be re elected

all gays should be banned aswell

but we’d end up missing you!


Seriously though, shuffling the ranks wouldn’t be a bad plan. But who would be willing to give up their position?

Varun? pimpin more ish… as pres…

Is there anyone here that helps out as much as him…

If you’re going to make a post like this at least post a suggestion for new direction, like which one of your friends you want as pres/vicepres etc.

Saying “I don’t like this shit, you guys figure out how to change it.” doesn’t help at all.

Replacing everyone who runs and owns this site with unexperienced people, thats good for a laugh.

I like it the way it is.

For a regional site, I have to say it exceeds standards of several other websites.

Obviously everything can be ameliorated, but how depends on the owner’s resources.

I second the idea of giving Varun some responsability over the site if he was willing to be in. He is resourceful and helpful to the son community.

people who dont own 240sx’s cant be mods

aswell people who are vendors cant be mods

this is true.

there are only a few active mods: Nutta, Gonad, spd-dmn, Bing, GT

I elect Theo and or John (Jammin1911)

Well I guess the whole thing wouldn’t have to be overhauled, but for sure the one person who is supposed to be a huge representative of the club, the president.

This is not a “I want my friends all over the board” plea, I just think that our pres. should be a fully active member, not someone who posts every 2 or 3 weeks in response to something directed at him/her.

You may think that is not a big deal, but it really does make sense.

Think of it this way, it’s like the student council in a high school, why would you have a president who is not active in the school to organize events and participate in things?

I don’t think there is anything majorly wrong with SON, just the direction could be more focused. There are mods who seem to be opposing eachother on a weekly basis. The president should be someone who directs these people to all be on the same page for one thing.

I would like to see what happens behind the scenes, and see how often the pres. is in on these discussions. I have seen a bit of how things work in the admin section from a distance, it would be interesting to see how involved the pres is on a regular basis.

You say he is not a “sit at his computer all day long and baysit” type of person. We don’t need someone like that, we do need someone that has a dedicated interest in the club and it’s direction at all times, whether it is a good direction or a bad one, more importantly, the later.


100% Agree with Theo. Well said.

Well, I voted don’t give a shit, b/c I don’t, but I like to talk shit anyway, so I’m gonna stir the pot.
I don’t think anyone with ANY commercial interest WHATSOEVER should be in a position of power. Even if they don’t take advantage of it any way, there will always be people accusing them of taking advantage of their position to plug their business, and a lot of hate and animosity being thrown around.
The people in charge should also be diplomatic, and not jackasses. Also, they should care about this place. I think there are still such people to be found, since I think we all cared at one point or another.

solarian +1

I think a few additional Mods would not hurt,

but I am not going to say much here becaue I like to keep it to my self.

Sad to say but I agree with Solarian again, i think thats twice in one day now lol

no he makes a good point about no one should be in power, for some time now I see favoritism going on around SON within the mods, personally I dont give a fuck but i see many new members being laughed at and such.

this is not a proper way to run a club and thats what this is a club where we all have one thing in common, and thats our sexy car.

what i suggest is fewer mods not more.

In principle that could be right, no question, but in practice and in this case specifically it is not.

firstly, positions of leadership here are not paid and do not garner any benefit in and of themselves.

what you are then implying is that someone who is in a leadership role should invest a great deal of time and effort into the club, should be accountable for their actions, should carry out a non-specific range of duties and do all of this out of the benevolence of their generous heart.

i am not saying that its impossible, but i know that you wont do it and no one else who is capable of doing such a thing will either.

therefore the notion is an impossible standard

secondly, but equivalently, that ideal singles out myself, phil, varun, greg directly, andrew retroactively and a variety of others indirectly like John / jammin (hosting / group buys)

neither phil nor andrew or myself were vendors before SON and i am sure Varun has done a major portion of his business through this community… our businesses spawned out of SON and had nothing to do with our leadership roles. Instead, and i am assuming about Phil because i dont know specifics, the ‘businesses’ were a natural evolution as so-called leaders within the community. Heck, mine was completely accidental… i started just by selling used parts on

at what point does one lose eligibility for leaderhsip positions as they begin to sell items online? does my selling parts make me unsuitable for a particular role? and if so, how so… specifically. and then how is it true for Greg, Phil etc.

also, Avery has sold more parts on here than most of the vendors, i am sure he has sold more parts through SON than battle endless and WAGA… does that make him a vendor and therefore unsuitable for admin or moderator? or is it the act of paying the vendor’s fee?

a couple more things before bed time.

making changes without knowing what you want is stupid. would you recommend that someone commit to a university before commiting to a particular program? wouldnt it make more sense to figure out what you want to be, in a general sense, and then make decisions towards that end.

that is an important issue to consider.

right now there is a general sense of confusion but certainly no sense of direction… and to make changes out of confusion is poor decision making i am sure you will agree.

also, from what i am told some of the more pesky issues people have with son is the behaviour of certian moderators and how media threads are moved all the time to members section even if it wasnt a member who posted it.

if that is the case then more moderators is not what you want… instead… you want less or at least less moderating from what moderators do exist.

i agree with that notion if that is what people are implying by the suggestions that other forums are more ‘chill’.

finally, and i have said this over and over in the admin section, the forum / club / community is what YOU make it and what you GIVE to it and what you TAKE from it.

if you are not getting the kind of benefit you want from it then first define why.

are certain people making it hard for you to gain from the community?

and when you have defined why you are not enjoying your involvement in the community then define what exactly that enjoyment or benefit would be.

years ago people wanted cheaper parts, more meets, track days etc.

i direct you to this thread:

its a long read, only the first 4-5 pages are worth looking into.

as mentioned in that CT thread in chat, all of these desires have come to fruition in one way or another.

parts are cheaper through the vendors who are also moderators or admin that are being hated on… me, phil, greg, varun as wel as others.

i can only stage so many meets down here a year, but John (toronto240sx) does a great job with the fall Toronto meet.

and Derek is doing a fantastic job of coordinating track days and then you have RR (phil and vince) getting ready to host their track days… then you have the Battleendless track days, driftops, CSCS… etc. etc.

what else is there really? circle jerks and field trips to massage parlours?

(dont quote that line, it is sarcasm and not intended to de-rail this discussion)

and in closing…

if any changes to admin were to be made i would say that people who have shown the desire and have actually gone and executed some of the things desired should be considered…


John Stoupos (toronto240sx) and his fall meets
Derek (DIP) and his frequent track days
John (jammin) and his willingness to host the site which may or may not happen now. John has also been very active in the admin section of late.

and hey, i love theo… he’s my buddy and all, but having buddies in Admin has been counter productive in the past, not that that is relevant here, but i wouldnt put someone ahead of the 3 names above who hasnt gone and executed the types of things that derek and the john’s have. that isnt to say that i wouldnt support theo, you just have to go with people who actually have done things and not people who probably will… i love you theo

It’s not a matter of you or other vendors being unsuitable for a job, or any implied dishonesty. It’s just how shit works. People are always going to be jealous, suspicious and hate. If you were president, ppl would prolly say that you control and manipulate what is said on here to sell parts. One thing I do know about is how people are, and they’re haters. The only way to keep everyone happy is to have it so that no one even has the slightest chance of getting a better deal than someone else.

I understand what you’re saying and you realize the problem. But do you really think that ppl on the board take advantage of their position? If so, they should be pointed out. Some ppl are always going to be suspicious of of admins, but they have to understand the reality of things. If they’re not happy, this is a forum after all and they can express themselves. If they bring up valid issues, admins can modify things around, if they’re not, we just dicard them.

Some people here ARE taking advantage of the OPPORTUNITY and not of the people on SON. (If they were, I am sure no one would buy from them and after a few transactions, they would be heard of)

I’m quite glad to see enthuisasts of the same car I own and have threads about numerous diff things.

Whatever… lets just say that if there is a problem or anything that users want to add or modify to the site, they should suggest something and bring it up to the admins’ attention. If feasable, they will take care of it eventually. When you look at your city, there are many things that can be taken care of, but unless residents bring it up, the city isnt going to take care of it. I am also sure that there is not going to be an open election for a new admin or “president”. As Bing said, some ppl on this forum showed to be deserving and fit for some admin positions, but only “SON owners” can make that call. Again, no open vote…

Just had to say my piece.

I don’t know that there is such a big problem with people taking advantage of their admin position. I haven’t really seen that, other than the odd person posting in other vendors for sale threads plugging their own companies (which I think is wrong, and would probably not be tollerated if it were a regular member, but just a small case).

Bing, I agree with you, the club needs someone that is deticated, attends events, has a presence on the website and mostly cares about the current position and the future of the club without looking for some sort of return.

This notion IS NOT an impossible standard, there are good hearted people out there that would have the well being of this club in their best interest AND have the time.

I know exactly where I want this club to go.

Too often a new person gets flamed and insulted for asking a not so dificult question, causing that person to get pissed and leave, joining neo or something. Do we wnat that? Is that the best way for the situation to be handled? Experienced members should be like the big brother, guiding the new members or users rather than being a jerk and turning them away. I know that the questions are usually here somewhere, but you all know as well as I do that the search function here takes a bit of getting used to. There is no reason to get hostile and piss people off.
What could be done instead, is answer the question, give the person a chance to respond, then delete the post a while later to reduce the clutter on this site. You have to admit, we were all at that point at one time.

The future of the club is the new members, they should be welcomed with open arms.

There are more issues that I would like to see changed, but I am on my sisters mac (laptop to boot, I hate laptops) and searching, copying and pasting is a pain in the but right now.

As for the buddies in admin not being a good idea, we are all buddies here are we not? This is a community of car enthusiasts and friends, no? I consider most everyone here to be my friend, to help out when asked or just to chat. I love the cruises and whatnot at the meets, but the thing I always find myself wanting more is to have more time to chat with the other members, there is never enough time. I am going to be holding a meet next year that is all about that, chillin’.

Bing you know I have told you every year that I would love to be an active part in your meets, infact that was the first ever thing I ever said to you via a PM back almost 3 years ago. With my experience with the Niagara CRX meets at my parents house (all 11 of them, although at different locations along the way), I know my way around very large meets. I know there are more than a few members here that used to be a part of that crowd and have whitnessed the 100+ cars I have had at those meets including raffles, BBQ’s and awards programs organised by myself and a friend.

Anyways, this wasn’t meant as a “Theo for president” in the begining, but I am a dedicated person that takes pride in anything that I take on. Anyone who knows me personaly or has dealt with me directly should know that.

So yeah heh… spillin my guts here… but I need to get up in 3 hours to catch a flight back home from Calgary.

Thanks for reading all that if you actually did.
