Re: future of SON…

i read through the last thread and it was interesting…however there really is no downside to trying to get CASC affiliated…

1=we can charge fees for members to join our club BECAUSE it is CASC affiliated.
2=we can try our hand at running a solo 1 event, solo 2
3=or drift events that ARE sanctioned…
4=we are covered by thier insurance…
5=we become ligitamate …AND accountable

my feeling 4 years ago and now… bring SON into being a REAL car club…those that dont want to fork out the money…cut off as dead weight…and push the club into being accountable…profitable…and fun…

I am part of HADA…and I see how that club is run, and how we organize events…its a totally different world…and only about 50% of the members race…

its funny though…you set it up…and you will see that lots more people will start to do events…and race… solo 2, solo 1, drift, even regional racing…

maybe we need to have a face to face meeting? I would be more than willing to host it at ORF…

and see where it goes…

it could even be a “MINI” son event… since we have about 6 240sx’s at ORF anyway…

just throwing it out there…

Adam, i dont think that the issue isn’t people wont support it. The issue is you cannot force the entire group to do this based on such a small percentage of people for it.

I am all for What you and andrew have proposed, But you cannot do it to the entire club without some sort of Quarrom to vote it in.

If you, bob and andrew would like to see this happen, Come up with a formal proposal, submit it to the admin of the forum, and get them to start a new section for it. From what andrew has told me you could achieve your goal with 50 members to this part of the club.

Get those 50 members, Affiliate, and ONLY let those who pay the fee associated with this affiliation use it. This could be setup as a new Group like Members chat, that you, bob and andrew are moderators for, decide polocy on and campaign the existing Son members as to why they should also join.

This is the only way i see your idea’s working with 4000+ members of the community.

I treat son the same way i treat the SA BOD i am part of it. You can propose all you want, but you need the support of the members behind you to get it done.

sounds interesting Adam what u think the member fees would be ?
just to be clear on this , would there be any forums for the public for free the same way it is or would it be a paying members forum/club only?
Also if the club is profitable how would we decide where the profits would go ?

I am really interested in hearing more about this, im not biased yet but i do wanna know more cuz it is another option for this place

Hada’s yearly fee is $65…other CASC clubs are in the $50 range…

the profits in HADA go towards …

we have our own trailer , timing equipment, pylons, storage unit…

membership gets free lapping events, free hats , tshirts…

the club actually MAKES money…since we host lapping events, and solo 2 and solo 1 events…

maybe the time is ripe to start S.O.N’R

southern ontario nissan racing?

we can be our own offshoot? we would only need a small base to start …maybe 10-20 members…

start our own forum that is locked to paying members…become casc affiliated…and insured with a BOD?

andrew…sasha… >? anyone else?

i like the idea, what i get from this , please correct me if im wrong , son still exists the way it is , paying members of the CASC section are entiteled to the benefits and seperate forum within SON without getting rid of son’s current state for the free loaders, that works i guess, i like , IM in, i pay

THIS sounds like something good.

i’d love to get behind it and help get it done, but i dont want to lead the charge, I’ll also participate financially even though i probably wont race.

I’m currently a member of WOSCA and actively race in Solo II events. I’m looking forward to next season so I can take up some lapping days too. I usually take part in running morning registration, small parts of course design, marshalling, and running little things here and there.

I like the way these things are going. Hold open Solo 2 events and such, and as you said, there may be profits involved.
If enough profit is generated, then what about holding a members only lapping day? Charge a small entry fee to make sure the club isn’t loosing money, and then have a members only day?

Just a thought.

Also, I’d be more than willing to pay $65 for a membership. As for free things to members? Bad idea finacially. Offer them a discount on club products rather than free. There’s no point bleeding off that much money.

Say, for $65, you get a basic membership. That’s it.
Say, for $80, you get a SON240SX T-shirt, hat, and a couple stickers. Maybe offer them a email address?

I got tons of ideas if you need any assistance.

I’m interested and would be a paying member.

That said, would paying for this SONr section be on top of membership fee’s for SON?

Sounds like somehting I would be interested in.

I think you would get quite a few members into something like that.

First year would probably be a bit slow, but the way word travels around here, if thins go well, the second year will flourish.

so essentially what we’ve had here is a slight miss communication over this subject.

I am glad to see this could workout and all parties will be happy.

I would still like to see change in the current forum but this is not the place to discuss that.


This sounds really good. Maybe it would get me off my lazy ass and come to the track more often.

I would be in.

yea im kinda glad u made this post adam , i think its great the response ur getting , this should be interesting

Dude this sounds sweet!

I don’t get it, now you’re in for it Bing?


I’m in Adam…

Can we screen members though, there are a few that just don’t seem to have their heart in the right place…

you dont get much Bob,

i was never against it… you only thought i was

what i was against was turning SON into CASC focused, but this is more of integrating CASC affiliation into SON and only for the people who want it. That is a great idea and it always was as long as SON still caters to the broader demographic at the same time.

If no one is required to participate and if Adam uses SON to garner support for his cause then i am certain he will find lots of people here that are interested.

If this is an ADDITION to SON then I’m all for it and i’ll help out if i can… there is a difference between an addition and a remodelling.

we dont need a remodelling, what we have continues to grow. having SON folk leverage the expsoure and breadth of the community for these types of purposes and then integrating them into the club is the right way to do things because it is INclusive and not EXclusive.

sounds perty sweet. im in too

w00t w00t! I’m down like a clown. Andrew already told me about this last night, but I wasn’t aware the site had responded so positively.

I am so in… The big seller here is insurance and the fact that we can have sanctioned events. This would be a big step forward for SON and bring the interest of the true hardcore members who have grown tiered of the “E-thugs” and people who care more to sit at they’re computer then to hit the track and show they’re skill.

Name the price I am in.


i would also be in, i think some people (including me) need this extra push to get off our asses and start participating in track events