you dont get much Bob,

i was never against it… you only thought i was

what i was against was turning SON into CASC focused, but this is more of integrating CASC affiliation into SON and only for the people who want it. That is a great idea and it always was as long as SON still caters to the broader demographic at the same time.

If no one is required to participate and if Adam uses SON to garner support for his cause then i am certain he will find lots of people here that are interested.

If this is an ADDITION to SON then I’m all for it and i’ll help out if i can… there is a difference between an addition and a remodelling.

we dont need a remodelling, what we have continues to grow. having SON folk leverage the expsoure and breadth of the community for these types of purposes and then integrating them into the club is the right way to do things because it is INclusive and not EXclusive.[/quote]

Splitting hairs much…

You heard Adam, CASC approved clubs doesn’t mean everyone has to race, and thats what you were against…

Regardless, keep telling yourself and everyone else that you were never against it…

Everyone who was around then knows your true stance…

:roll: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways…

keep it clean please guys.

ill be removing those posts but dont make more work for me.


I’m looking for a chassis to use as a track car. I have a van/flatbed so, i’m already pumped for next season.


Same as 4 years ago, you can count me in too, and for what it’s worth I’d help out as best I could for organising.

I’d love to really learn how to drive my car on the track, as soon as CASC or HADA starts throwing in free tires, I’ll be at every event :wink:

Don’t expect that to be the case, however, come out during GT weekends… and you might be able to steal a few gums…

I will send a e-mail to Steve Scala at CASC and see what is involved…and then post the info…and see how we should go forward.


sorry to be behind seeing this post ADAM, I got your PM on CASC and messeged you back there, im not sure if you got it.

I’m really interested and am interested in helpign to make it happen, let me know what needs to be done and i’ll be there be in organizing events or whatever needs to be done

needless to say i’ll also be a paying member, right now im a member of TAC. Like i don’t even know what tac is nor have I ever been to a TAC event, but since i had to be part of a club TAC was the one to be. It would be nice to actually be representing US!

Hey adam and everyone.

I am not on the boards all that much anymore but just came across this.

I will be a paying member so if this does go though some one just hit me up and let me konw. I have 2 cars i can race right now so there is no reason for me not to be at the track this summer. :smiley:
and if you need some help let me konw.