
My girlfriend was there. I’m sure that she drank plenty to keep warm.

i won some tickets to a fireworks night in section 312 from work, its no wonder they are giving the seats away looks like i am going to get a nose bleed

I was there today. Sat in Section 125 row U seat 14. Yeah it was cold but once a bunch of people sat down it was warm. There was a ton of hot chicks there. Only thing i have to complan i have is, we had a ton of drunk people behind us. Ok yeah it was funny to listen to them but they got annoying at the 3rd inning. So like they smuggles Jim Bean and Captin Morgan in there and they tossed bottles arround and hit someone 5 rows in front of us. no one did nothing thats the only complant i just might call tomarrow and complain about it.

why the fuck you gonna call and complain if you didnt tell security then? every section doesn;t have armed gaurds… you gotta police yourself… sounds like a bunch of scared pussies not willing to speak up.

and this is what i’ve put up with for 7 seasons.

haha so true!



hey if i did not have to catch the clipper back i would have went and said something. iam not gona tell the people behind me to quit when there is like 10 of them. iam not that stupid and no i did not get a chance to call yesterday and i probly won’t call now. oh well