Opie and Anthony

i swear to fucking christ they better not take O&A off the air.

and i briefly heard them talking this morning about last time they got taken off air and they were playing clips of old shows. wonder if they’re being threatened with being taken off syndication.

that would truely suxors

oh wow…i missed that.

that would SUCK

and also, if 103 is in financial trouble…idk maybe dont put on these shows/bashes that i have to assume cost a decent penny

Jill’s on the rag?

quote from wackbag

i could only imagine the terrible crap they would put in the mornings to replace O&A


fucking ghey

wow, that blows. I listen on XM anyway, but I like the local angle on it. Screw Mel if this is the case (which is entirely possible).

Them leaving CBS wouldn’t upset me all that much. They’d have less clout in the media overall, but then the full show would be the xm portion, with much less commercial interruption and ability to air the good content without editing it or waiting til the second half of the show.

Although sometimes the editing actually makes it funnier, when you end up with things like god damn rich vos and the word games to make it clear what they wanted to say.

^ good point. The word games are actually pretty funny. I like when Ant goes on his rants about bleepers

sneakers lol

Hmm if that is the case I may have to pick up an Inno or something that I can listen to the show on this portable. I use my Zune right now to listen to the 8-9am hour, but I still miss most of the XM show. Stupid work blocked steaming media.

LOL jimmy towards the Canadian that called.

“it’s like throwing croissants in a barrel”


damn :frowning:

I need to go buy a portable XM unit. can’t even stream 10 seconds of radio today. Just keeps getting slower and slower

anyone know if I can just turn off the one in my car, and transfer my account over to a portable unit instead of getting a 2nd account?

for the price of the extra sub and the portable unit youre better off just getting the 3g iphone… esp if you sell yours.

you’re probably right, but still have to wait a while to get it though (so no XM during the day at all) :tdown:

however on the bright side, rumor has it that they (apple and ATT) are going to be selling phones to everyone at an increased cost if you dont want the 2 year contract

if you already had to get a contract for the original iphone you can just restart it to get the 3g, even if its not close to over yet. youre probably better off just doing that.

it’s only supposed to be 100.00 more for the 3g if you don’t get the contract (8gb), then again that’s all speculation.

I just hate having a contract with service providers

yeah, i know what you mean. That would be great but I don’t see them pulling it off. The carrier subsidy is $325 that AT&T pays apple. For every phone that got sold with no contract, they’d lose $225.

I don’t mind signing a contract as long as I save more than $175 on a phone vs the ebay price. That’s the early termination fee, so as long as i know i can sell it and make up the difference, contracts are OK.


all this fucking back to the future talk for the past two days… its hilarious

opie and jimmy HATE IT


“I’ve seen better rugs inside a rape van” -lisa lampanelli talking about gene simmons hair piece
