Opinions on Prada Phone

Bsh no you didn’t! lol

With T-Mobile the WORST that can happen is you’ll have to pay for your phone full price…they don’t do that down payment shit anymore. I’m on whats known as flexpay…i’m not in a contract(which i like) i just pay for my service in advance…it kind of keeps me away from accidental fee’s and all that other bull. 99.17 a month after taxes and my services include
300 anytime & my fav 5 (39.99)
total internet package(couldn’t live without it on the iPhone 19.99)
unlimited text/pic/instant messaging(14.99)
mobile to mobile(6.99)
flexpay surcharge(4.99)
i may be missing something but i think thats it…300 minutes suffices for me because i am a texter/emailer…i will flat out tell people “text…don’t call unless you have tmobile or its after 9…and even then…text”
i was surprised at how good the text messaging was on the iphone…it even logs the conversations like an instant message(which i love). But again the iPhone isn’t for everyone…only those who need it’s functionality…my cousin has one…doesn’t even know how to use it right…has crashed it already and ended up having to fork over 35 for me to reflash/unlock the phone. But as far as my T-Mobile service goes…i stopped having complaints when i got my iPhone
edit: oh and the prada i had i sold after that 3rd day…the guy still has it…he works for T-Mobile