Small memory leak…sure having to soft reset the phones daily if not multiple times a day is “not bad”. Custom ROM’s on a windows mobile device…been there done that with phones the perform much better than the shitty mogul…still they SUCK. Use an iPhone and your opinion will change…you haven’t even used one and your against it…me on the other hand i’ve used and sold both for over 2 years, written custom programs for winblows mobile and the iPhone…
I’ve used the Telenav service, it fades out where my GPS holds 3 out of 4 bars in the car, out in the boonies in weirton i bet your phone will drop signal completely both voice and data. Your going off of a blindly led judgement…stay a pool boy it’s better for you.
Majority of the users with Moguls state that after a soft reset they have 21mb of memory free for applications…with nothing but active sync running for the entire day its down to 10% before the day is out…with NOTHING BUT active sync running…you call that “not bad”?
Do some more research and when your ready to play let me know…
And on the “shit hardware that can’t be dealt with” comment…you must not realize that the iPhone performs better than your mogul…the only thing you have over it is on the sprint end with EVDO…otherwise it’s beat…look at all the other countries who phones and services are WAY ahead of ours…what kind of network are they on? GSM…not CDMA