Opinions on Prada Phone

the Voyagers look good, but it is a env with a touchscreen, i got my iphone and its the best thing i have had. I have had a razr, LG VX8300, Samsung Blackjack, Samsung A930, LG Cu-500, Blackberry 8100 pearl, and The iphone.

but unless i want a iphone i need a unlocked one thats super expensive ! F that !
I want verizon and a i phone.

the blackberry pearl seems to be a killer phone but it seems like their is a cheaper version thats about the same. so why pay more for the latest pearl. plus i dont plan on paying for blackberry service just a reg verizon plan w/ unlimited text n pic messaging.
If i need to email i have my work blackberry for that.

sprint+iphone for me would work out really nicely

iphone is tmobile att only…it would be nice if sprint and verizon where gsm networks…but…they aren’t.

so there’s no way to put cdma info on a gsm sim… looks like i might be changing networks if i want an iphone? from what i’ve been reading anyway, it seems gsm is gonna be like blu-ray to hddvd in the not too distant future?

I wanted the same thing … bad!

I almost switched over to at&t … but so many people told me the service was horrible.

So I stuck with verizon, and opted for the blackberry pearl. I love the blackberry so far

I really don’t give a a mother fuck who’s cock you’ve been sucking for the last 2 years. I’ve had this phone for over a year now. With the stock Sprint/HTC Rom, the phone does have a pretty crappy memory leak. I’ve flashed multiple custom ROMs with all kinds of registry hacks, WM 6.1, upgraded radios, etc and BOOM! no more memory leak. I used to have to reset my phone multiple times a day. now it’s MAYBE once a week. If that. It’s a non-issue. Which is why i said SOFTWARE PROBLEMS CAN BE DEALT WITH!

I’d like to see you download a ROM for an iphone that gives you GPS, EVDO Rev. A, etc. NAME ONE THING THE IPHONE CAN DO THAT A MOGUL CANNOT.

I’ve used the Telenav service, it fades out where my GPS holds 3 out of 4 bars in the car, out in the boonies in weirton i bet your phone will drop signal completely both voice and data. Your going off of a blindly led judgement…stay a pool boy it’s better for you.

Who the fuck cares about Weirton? So far, I’ve never lost data and voice anywhere I’ve been. And I always have a lock of 7 or 8 satellites. Havent bothered downloading TomTom yet. I’ve just been using the GPS functionality in Google Maps Mobile.

Majority of the users with Moguls state that after a soft reset they have 21mb of memory free for applications…with nothing but active sync running for the entire day its down to 10% before the day is out…with NOTHING BUT active sync running…you call that “not bad”?

The majority of Mogul owners still have a stock ROM with all of the sprint bloatware still installed. Flash a clean ROM and that number is more like 25-26MB free with no real perceivable memory leak.

Do some more research and when your ready to play let me know…

And on the “shit hardware that can’t be dealt with” comment…you must not realize that the iPhone performs better than your mogul…the only thing you have over it is on the sprint end with EVDO…otherwise it’s beat…look at all the other countries who phones and services are WAY ahead of ours…what kind of network are they on? GSM…not CDMA

thats fine. Have fun with your 1X while I can tether my laptop and download with DSL speeds. Have fun paying $500 for a GPS system for your car. Have fun replacing the battery when it shits the bed. Have fun figuring out how to put more than 8GB of memory into it.

So whenever you’re ready to play, you let ME know. :wink:

VX6800’s battery life sux. as for everything else in this thread it’s a damn phone, It makes/receives calls when I need it to. all that other shit I do from my laptop.

lol I forgot to mention that the registry hacks and upgraded radio have just about doubled my battery life vs. stock. I used to not be able to make it through the day, now with normal use I can make it through 2 days without charging. Unless I watch a movie or kill it by playing MP3’s at work or whatever. But I have a cradle for at work and for at home, and with a car charger the battery is really a non-issue as well.

You can also buy a much larger battery aftermarket.

Yeah it’s on my list just been too lazy.

if you check out the xda developers forum and PPCgeeks, there are an infinite amount of programs, interfaces, hacks, etc. that can increase the functionality of your phone by lightyears from stock. read up and mess around with it a bit and you’ll be amazed.

You know what you’ve read up on that phone…I know EVERYTHING about ALL of the competing models pros and cons…this is MY ball field so just be a little good boy and stay in your place. You assume that i had to pay full retail price for the Nav in my car but you are wrong. That GPS feature in google maps…depending on your application its NOT GPS…its cell tower triangulation…it may be spot on at times but there is a BIG difference. Go read up on asynchronous-GPS before you open your mouth on that subject again.

The majority of mogul owners still have the stock ROM…well HMMMM did you know that ALL of the iPhone users still have theirs and we don’t have to “reboot” our phones AT ALL? Bill Gates said it himself…anything with windows is destined to crash…stop running from the inevitable with your custom ROM bullshit, I’ve been there and done that and even at it’s finest it still cannot perform as well.

Tethering your phone to your laptop to get DSL-Like speeds…hmm…that sprint connection card i have outperforms your mobile device anyday…and even then…DSL hasn’t been that slow since AOL started offering it…lmfao want to try again?

More than 8gb of memory…hmmm…how about 16?? It’s already been around for a nice while now. This is a pointless argument because you’ll never win and both of these devices are destined to be replaced…your average cell phone model life is at most 6 months…then something else is already in the works to replace it…so you sir can keep being brain washed by sprint and buying whatever devices and services they have to offer…you forget…I am the salesman…i know what your going to buy before you even buy it…and this is because I’m going to sell it to you :wink:

Sorry cupcake, it’s not A-gps. It’s real GPS. but nice try. But please keep telling me about how much you know about this, and how you are the authority. It’s really impressing me.

The majority of mogul owners still have the stock ROM…well HMMMM did you know that ALL of the iPhone users still have theirs and we don’t have to “reboot” our phones AT ALL? Bill Gates said it himself…anything with windows is destined to crash…stop running from the inevitable with your custom ROM bullshit, I’ve been there and done that and even at it’s finest it still cannot perform as well.

You win the prize. I mean, the countless $0 that i’ve invested in making this phone abso-fucking-lutely destroy the iPhone has seriously taken a toll on my bank account. It’s rock solid reliable, has everything I could want and more, has tons of very important features that the iPhone doesn’t have and I don’t look like a bandwagon Apple faggot for having one. But enjoy having that iphone to you ear. It makes the PERFECT accessory for the cock hanging out of the side of your mouth.

Tethering your phone to your laptop to get DSL-Like speeds…hmm…that sprint connection card i have outperforms your mobile device anyday…and even then…DSL hasn’t been that slow since AOL started offering it…lmfao want to try again?

Have fun paying for the card and the $50 a month to use it, while I can tether for free! People are getting between 1500 and 2500 kb/sec tethered. Which is PLENTY fast for what most anyone would need it for. So again, suck my fat cock Mr. Know It All.

More than 8gb of memory…hmmm…how about 16?? It’s already been around for a nice while now. This is a pointless argument because you’ll never win and both of these devices are destined to be replaced…your average cell phone model life is at most 6 months…then something else is already in the works to replace it…so you sir can keep being brain washed by sprint and buying whatever devices and services they have to offer…you forget…I am the salesman…i know what your going to buy before you even buy it…and this is because I’m going to sell it to you :wink:


if the Mogul had 128mb of Ram, it would be pretty much the perfect device.

Again, we will go down the list. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Things Mogul can do that iphone can’t.

Handle MS Office Documents
Removeable/replaceable battery
QWERTY physical keyboard
Expandable memory
completely customizable
broadband tethering speeds

Things iphone can do that Mogul cant

Make you look like a giant faggot.

xlogic talks a pretty arrogant game for being 19

holy shit he’s only 19? :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

That just made my day. :bowrofl:

maybe his testicles finally dropped last week and that’s got him feeling overly cocky.

my bad, i just looked at his profile, he just turned 20…

oh snape!


maybe in a year I’ll buy him a beer and we can discuss the intricacies of pocket PC’s. if he can keep his hands on his iphone and out of my pants.

wow u’d think everyone in this thread was a CEO of a major company. I use my Phone a lot… i can’t imagine anything i need to do that bad that my env can’t do. i got tons a music on it and if i run out…oh no i might have to put a different card in…OMG… for the average person all the extra stuff is just that…extra crap you dont need… i’ve ordered movie tickets, bid on ebay, checked the weather, emailed, checked myspace, changed my fantasy team…etc etc… the camera is good enough to not lug a digital camera everywhere i go.

i fuckin hate touch screen phones. ur even fucked more if u have a fist full of sausage links. i like the fact the env still has buttons. the only beef i got with the env was the battery life… got the extended battery.problem fixed.

eh, i was never a big fan of the env. Functionality its nice, just didnt like the design. And for the record, I am the CEO of a company. :finger: