Orange County Choppers Foreclosure Over Major Debt

As of late, Orange County Choppers has been involved in some major drama. OCC business was featured on the reality TV series called American Chopper, and although they didn’t make the prettiest bikes, it was a huge success.
Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. have been fighting over money, specifically Paul Jr’s stake in OCC. Now, OCC’s lenders are filing a foreclosure, that has nothing to do with the family tensions. The whole mess-up is connected to several unpaid mortgage payments , for $96,400 and $14,000. Choppers reportedly didn’t make the payments, not due to lack of money, but because they were protesting the terms of the loan. It looks like Choppers bought a showroom property some years ago (2007) – and are claiming that property is worth millions less then the time they purchased it, so they want their payments lowered. No official statements by either party have been made as of Tuesday morning.

Guys still can’t get their act together.

I saw the preview for the next episode… it appears this issue is covered as well as Sr. suing Jr. hahah

Haven’t had cable in a while, so not up to date on them.

However arguably this could be one of the most “real” reality shows, since they sincerely seem to not give a fuck about each other.

I haven’t watched it in awhile, I just remember that someone died while roofing Paul Jr.'s new shop for Jr. designs. Mikey works with him. Vinny and Cody started their own shop and Sr. still runs OCC. It’s more of a soap opera now than anything.

So Sr. is essentially alone?

What is the show even based on now or do they follow Jr and Sr at the same time as a “build off” style?

The last episode I watched was last year and they followed everyone separately.

I always liked the bubbly mikey fellow.

id have to say ax men is the most real reality show



The OCC show is a fucking joke and both Sr and Jr are tools IMO.

The show is stupid and the sooner it’s off the better. Their business boomed off this show, not because they build a good bike, but because companies got free TV advertisement when they were on the show and were filing in to be chosen to do so.

Off topic… Met them multiple times during the time we were traveling show-show with the bike and they were the only guys there(shop wise) at the shows that didn’t acknowledge us. Would walk by, glance over for half a second, and kept on walking. The few times Pete and I would try to make conversation with them they were far to busy with themselves to show interest. All awhile the other guys like Matt Hotch, Arlen and Cory Ness, the detroit brothers, Joe Martin, etc were stopping in and talking with us for hours on end…and they are FAR better at building beautiful bikes than those arrogant fucks with this show. I don’t give a crap one way or another, but they talk like their gods on that stupid show and they are nowhere near as good as the other big guys out there.

Unfortunately their drama sold Discovery and 800 seasons later they’re still pulling in ratings with their rant/rave super scripted, overly self-narrated show.

sooooo true

people still watch that show?

in trailer parks prolly

Watching it now.
Not in a trailer park.

I agree the bikes they build are garbage. No function at all in their design process.

On Sr.'s side, Rick and Jason Poole are about the only two OGs from the original show. Miley and Jr. apparently don’t talk to Sr.

Family drama. That’s the basic summary of every show.

i watch…no trailer here.

Company I used to work for was contracted to certify their new building under LEED energy efficiency standards. Got all their autographs on a poster type thing, I think we were done before all this nonsense happened though. lawl

About to watch Price is Right. Not in a trailer. I dislike to great extent Carrey as the host.

So in other words… they are pulling a Travis Kroch? A bank loans them money to purchase property valued at x amount of dollars. That money goes to whoever owned that property prior to the purchase. Since the property is now worth much less they are punishing the bank that loaned them money and want them to take the loss on it? Very classy.


is why only RUBS (rich urban bikers) buy their shit, and think they are awesome.