Orange Vette, new chicks, tuna and b0000bies (split)


ill vouch for you booo. GUYS, HIS PENIS RIVALS HORSES. thats is all.


Damn i was just fluffing too

I find that statement to be false judging by the smiley you placed at the end of the statement.

Or judging by the measurement you took of it between your gay lips.

Coming from the homo that statement holds no validity

i fixed it

Haha but it is for ever captured in my quote


Why do I have the feeling sweaty and z06 are the same people.

Well thats my opinion…

Ask vlad

we are definitely not the same person. hes a guy, im a girl.

Vlad met both of you personally?

vlad has known slowz06 for years and yes he knows me too

If thats the case, I take it back… It’s just wierd for the most part you both are on at the same time whenever I sign on and look…

yea thats weird. it must just be coincidence though.

I met Vlad once. Same time as meeting KBB Jim. I would do it again. /Pjb

im sure at one point ya guys became one . giggity giggity

I think I sold vlad an eclipse cd player YEARS ago.

I can haz street cred for that?

no, you have to grab his ass with both hands to get street cred.