Original Birth Certificate = Passport?

oh well what the fuck am i waiting for


This thread reminds me: I need to send mine in to get more pages sewn in. I think I’m down to two half-pages. There’s some goofy shit in mine. Marshall Islands. Argentina for half an hour. Visa to Angola. And to think I was 21 the first time I was ever on a plane…

:lol: Argentina for half an hour… that’s great. Nothing like having something in your passport that screams drug mule to make getting through customs fun.

lol yeah. My I missed my flight to Uruguay at the airport I landed in so I had to grab my bags, enter the country, and take a bus across Buenos Aires to another airport. :mamoru:

anybody know the waiting period to just renew a passport?

is it the same time frame as getting a new one?

i would imagine it’s not as long, but i could be wrong.

If you let it expire, I believe it’s starting from scratch.

Renewing, I can’t see taking as long. But either way, it sounds like it isn’t a hassle. Just get off your ass and do it Aaron! lol

hahaha shut up.

well mine expired YEARS ago…so didnt know if it would be the same time frame. Meh, i’ll take care of it soon.

If it expired, then yes, you’ll have to re-apply I believe. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I know that’s how it is in Canada.

^^^ya, im pretty sure you have to re-apply

ah well.

i’ll just re-apply… doesn’t seem like the wait is too long anymore anyways

i work for the post office, i know passports. get it processed this week and you’ll have it probably first to second week of july. it’s $100. standard processing time for first time passports is about 3-4 weeks. expedited service is $60 more, probably have it back within a week.


fry: i know you’re a northtowner, i work at the kenmore post office, we have the forms to get pages added to your passport, i think you MIGHT need new passport photos taken to get the extra pages but i don’t know 100%. not all offices process passports so you might have a hard time finding the right forms.

skunk, if you were under 16 when you got your passport, you need to completely re-apply for a new passport. if you were over 16 (which doesn’t sound likely) and it expired less than 5 years ago, then you can just renew your passport and save the $25 processing fee.

I applied 6/10 at the Cheektowaga post office and my passport arrived at my house today, 6/18. That’s incredible.

Standard processing, cost me $100.