Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

Charlie Sheen :number1

i feel like i get closer to retardation everytime pitman opens a thread…


World War 3

Ha I like the way pitman thinks, this generation is a bunch of sheep. Way to gullible.

IMO to be a genius you have to question everything.

Way too many inconsistencies with Bin Laden being killed. I don’t believe it myself, to me it seems like a good cover for something else about to go down.

What always got me were Bin Ladens “videos”. Where do they come from? Email? CIA cant trace it? Are they FedEx’d to CIA headquarters?


Holy fuck, i just about pissed my pants at that one.

Not gonna lie, that’s pretty good :lol.

And with the burial at sea, I guess there is something in the muslim faith with being laid to rest within 24 hours. They couldn’t fond a place close enough willing to take his body for burial. It sounds fishy, but pissing off the entire Muslim community would not be a smart thing to do. We have always been a democratic country, even when times call for other actions


hes absolutely deaddd… if not those habib motherfuckers would have him parading around showing up our special forces… plus the dna matches… this guy is official goneeee

and so is Obama’s birth certificate


In reality, the forefathers did hate government. The ONLY reason they established one was because they knew without a government, there would be no order among citizens. There’s a reason the government was created to be small, and with the power actually laying in the hands of the people. With small government comes big opportunity for the people, and vice-versa.

Tea Party FTW.

Yes, when we were born, the government went to our incubators, put microchips in our brain so we can’t perceive certain things.

You have the absolute worse grammar and spelling I’ve ever witnessed on this forum. You make meat paws look like he is a professor in English.

So much win in that pic.

I bet they put that habib in a freezer at area 51. Thats my guess.

Well if Medicine is a multibillion dollar elixir big corporations why would you give them your devalued money? I mean their doctors that are taught lies will tell you that you’ve contracted something that you can’t physically see and will prescribe chemicals that are very dangerous to you.

Going to a doctor would contradict everything you believe in, and support the industry/country you seemingly hate.

You’re seemingly enjoying way too many benefits that are by products of the stuff you hate so much.

Can’t make money on Natural? Are you drunk? Have you seen how many natural herbs and alternate medications are on sale? That’s like you saying they can’t make money on water because you can get if from the sink. Where are the facts to back up what you say? Everybody can cry the world is going to the end till the end of time, and then when after 1000000 times being wrong, they will finally say “told you so”

This is what you sound like to me

Holy shit i lost it at the picture marty posted. that shits hilarious

My God dude how much weed do you smoke?


If you want to learn a little about history then you should look into the system of checks and balances our forefathers actually setup. They infact did not have complete faith in the peoples ability to choose the right path for the nation. Thats why they setup the different systems of elected officials that make national and state policy and enforce the laws. That power is checked by the peoples’ right as a whole to elect who they want to represent (or lead) them. I’m sorry but your just making a fool of yourself. Do I believe absolutely that they killed Osama no, but I’m 99% sure they did. No matter what proof they could have or will provide there will always be crack pots saying it’s all fake and he’s alive in a cave somewhere humping a camel as we speak. If everybody was completely free to do whatever they wanted we would have total and utter chaos and nothing would ever be accomplished. If I was bigger and stronger or better armed then you I could just come and take whatever of your that I pleased. So is that the kind of society you would really want to live in?