Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

Our forefathers setup things veryyyy nicely for themselves. They originally setup the electoral college so that they would be the ones deciding the president. Go back and look at what Alexander Hamilton did with war bonds, talk about some fucking scamming.

Go to a continent where people are “free” to do whatever they want where there is no big brother government. You know what happens? Somebody with guns, comes into power and starts killing everybody who opposes them coming to power or disagrees with their totalitarian command.

Toomanycamaros = exactly! :thumbup

Be GLAD you’re in a country where you can talk trash about cops and government and nothing happens to you and you don’t just disappear. You think our minds are clouded and we are “simple” go live in a country where if you try to tape the cops or talk back to them they will beat you sensless and burn your car down to make sure there is no video of that.

Go to Russia where they pull you over for no other reason than collect a tip for themselves as it’s expected to pay them off when you get pulled over.

You think our government and big business are bad? Go to China where you do what you’re told or you die out on street as nobody wants a guy that says no when there is a billion others that will say yes.


Thats the thing… at the end of the day, America isn’t that bad. So we can complain about taxes and this and that and the other thing but we have food, we have clean water, we at least strive for some sort of relative fairness.

Read edit above ^ I agree.

I heard a guy at a pizza place today going off on the conspiracy and cancer causing plastic bottles, how tap water is the safest/cleanest water possible, how chem trails appear, how high fructose corn syrup is mind control and everybody is brainwashed, etc etc :facepalm

At the end of the day, America is still the greatest country in the world. You can always claim the grass is greener on the other side, but there will always be huge flaws, whereas our country has a balance of everything. We pay a lot of taxes, but our gas is usually cheaper. There’s pros/cons everywhere, but in America, we have more pros.


no where is perfect or everyone would be there. perfect country is wishful thinking

Those photos are fake.

EDIT: I now see that the first and third pic are different. Just shows what someone did to create the p-shop.

I didn’t say perfect one time in what you quoted. I never said America was perfect, I even stated one of America’s flaws.

idk it realllly looks like the first pic is of some one whos reallly dead with no phtoshop.the middle pic shows the exact look on the dead bin laden and you can see on the “dead” bin laden where they did a photo shop from the origonal pic from the cheek bones down. i dont get wtf is going on what are they hiding?

Someone trolled that picture onto the interwebs just to create confusion. I don’t believe any news agency or official source has used that photo.

US deciding whether or not to release images of dead bin Laden

THE US administration must move quickly and make a considered value judgment as to whether it will show the world photos of the dead Osama Bin Laden. Former secretary of state, Colin Powell, told CNN that releasing a photo of dead Bin Laden - who was reportedly shot through the eye - had to be evaluated on taste grounds.
But General Powell added that even if the US did release the photo, it would do nothing to appease conspiracy theorists who were already saying that Bin Laden’s swift at-sea burial was proof the US had not killed the terror leader and was engaging in a massive PR stunt.
President Barack Obama’s head of Homeland Security, John Brennan, said the US was still weighing up whether to release the photos.
“We are going to do everything we can to ensure that nobody has any basis to try to deny that we got Osama Bin Laden,” Mr Brennan said.

Conspiracy theorists aside, a photo is what the world wants to see, just as it demanded images of Saddam Hussein being pulled out of his “spider hole”.
The CIA and Navy SEALS who shot Bin Laden - who was being shielded by one of his wives, who was also shot - used biometric facial imaging, DNA, and general observations on his height and appearance to make the call that they had killed Bin Laden.
The fear is that releasing photos of Bin Laden could cause grave offence in Muslim countries; however, the reality is that media consumers in Muslim areas are far more acquainted with seeing images of dead people than in secular countries, which are more inclined to censor images of the dead on taste grounds.
After suicide bomber struck restaurants in Bali in 2005, Indonesian newspapers published photos of the decapitated, grossly distorted heads of the three bombers.
Fake photos showing Bin Laden dead and bloodied were already in circulation well before the Abbottabad raid, and some media outlets ran them in the immediate aftermath.


Whether they release it now or later it doesn’t matter as it will eventually get leaked.

A guy is still in jail for leaking less classified stuff. So if they decide not to release them and they go out, it could be bad for however released them.

With that said, conspiracy theories/theorists won’t stop now no matter what evidence you throw at them. People hate to admin they are wrong, it’s easier to deny the truth.

Didnt they show pics of Saddam Hussein after he was executed?

Well he was publicly executed, kinda hard to hide that. The videos were not supposed to be seen and those snuck out.

Yes there was a leaked cell phone video of the actual hanging and they released his death photos more for the benefit of the Iraqi people who needed reassuring he was actually dead.

i hate those god damn radicals that think we do everything to fuck with them… here we are trying to show respect by giving him a proper burial (even though he doesnt deserve it). and people say we made a mistake and want to humiliate ALL Muslims. fuckkk youuuu

You cannot ever please everybody. Americans included as is shown by the conspiracy theorists.

couldnt agree more…

Didn’t we offend them already by killing their leader? So what difference does it make if America wants to see a picture of him dead? Regardless of how he was buried, how he was killed or for any reason, retaliation would to be expected. I just don’t see that them being told he had a “proper” burial will calm the water over there.