Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

I don’t post much anymore because it’s usually not worth it, but the following made me :rofl

Vov, you seem to suggest that he is incorrect for doing so and that people are indeed and allowed/encouraged to believe in something they haven’t seen (like Osama or the death of him)? Yet, 98% of this forum thinks religious people (like me) are crazy for believing things they ‘haven’t seen’.


:rofl :rofl :rofl

QFT. Being an immigrant, most of the thankless pieces of human flesh in this country don’t know how good they got it. I complain about NYS and stuff sometimes, but in the end, I realize how lucky I am to even be here and have an AWESOME job in a good field with AWESOME benefits.

Well trolled :number1

If you would really like me to get into this, I’d like to point out the difference between him saying he doesn’t believe in a person just because he hasn’t seen him or her when there is a number of other people or sources around the world that has IE: Him saying he doesn’t believe in Obama or Osama because he never saw him in person or similar vs faith.

Well trolled indeed :ninja

Releasing video of sea burial they say?

Already done.

1/2 seconds is happy america. 3/4 is osama being burried.


Pitman what is your occupation? Just curious.

so many posts in this thread that make me look like a smarter person …if ya dont love thios country g.t.f.o there is things i bitch about but all in all we have it good here , maybe not in ny lol but its good

the cake is a lie


I’m just curious how much we pissed off Pakistan.

We didn’t piss them off. They’re going up and down about how they swear they didn’t know he was there. They’re more worried about us being pissed off at them.

Bullshit they didn’t know he was there. It’s known that he made some significant “donations” to Pakistan. He was what, 30 miles from their city?


1000 ft/yards (don’t remember which) from a MILITARY BASE!!!

EDIT: I think it was a military training facility or something actually…

The fact that we give or have given pakistan money, weapons, help, etc and are supposed to allies yet they are hiding this douche in their country? Fucking cut them off. Let them help themselves. Why waste our money helping these assholes who do this type of shit. Help our own country first then maybe buy them a happy mean. Sometimes i really feel like the fucking guys down the road in the trailer park would have better policies and thoughts about running this country than the people who do now. We already know this pissed off a ton of people to the extreme and its just a matter of when they’re going to strike back.

The thought of cutting them off has already been passed around. The worry now is whether they knew he was there or not, if we cut them off, will they just say “fuck it”? And let terrorists hang out there?

They have a nuke and are pretty much one of our last allies in that area of the world. If everything between Morocco and Pakistan are lost, we’ll be looking at the next “axis”.

Lord knows where it will go from there. Me personally, I think we need to pull out of everyplace and focus on our home front. Let the savages kill themselves. Focus on ourselves and let it be known that if you cause a ruckus, we’ll come back, bomb ya’ll into oblivion, and litter your land with McDonalds and Starbucks.

And we don’t need a “presence” in these countries. We just need more covert operations that don’t make it into the media.

We’ll never cut anyone off sadly i feel for a few reasons.

  1. Our government is filled with a bunch of fucking hippie pussy bitches who are to worried about achmed having clean water to drink and curry to eat. Tell that motherfucker to learn how to use a pot and boil that shit up. I understand giving places that need help the help. For instance Japan. If we werent throwing billiond away in the sandbox we could of helped them a lot more. Not to mention our own people who actually NEED it.

  2. I feel like the rest of the world, especially the middle east looks at us the same way we look at the ricers who come ripping into the lot doing donuts when we decide to go and make our presence known in other countries.

We’ll never stop due to the oil/gas deal etc. We’ll use everyone elses natural resources before we tap into our own. Then if we have all the shit everyone wants, everyone will be at our knees, again, with their hands open sayin please.

I don’t know why everyone constantly mentions oil. We get most oil from the Americas and Africa. Saudi Arabia is the only mid-eastern country we get significant amounts of oil from, but it’s only 10-15%. The reason we are over there “for oil” is because we protect those fields so it doesn’t go to shit, requiring other countries to get oil where we get ours from, thus driving prices up even further. Anyone who thinks we are there to take oil is mistaken. We’re there so people don’t take from our sources.

This. 100%

I do think the US needs to start minding their own fucking business though. It’s starting to get old.


LMAO, Wow, just wow…


lmfao :rofl
that shits funny as hell