geez. the president is the commander and chief of the army, or did everyone forget that?
and in regards to attempts to observe tradition in his burial: those who remain in terrorist groups are already going to be mad enough that he was killed, do we need to entice them to attack us even more by having a shit bukakke on his body or something? ignorant masses.
in regards to pakistan’s role, I’m sure it was divided into factions. departments of government appear to have aided the US in their pursuit, yet at the same time I’m sure there are factions of intelligence that had but withheld this information
Pakistan did not give us permission as far as everything I’ve read. They were not even informed until it was over.
As for them harboring or not harboring I’m sure there will be some questions about how this compound was build a few hundred yards from what is essentially Pakistan’s version of West Point without them knowing.
Several reliable sources have said the courier we tracked was from 4 year old intel. Less reliable sources saying we got that info from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed during a waterboarding session. I have my doubts about that last bit but those details will come out eventually.
I dont think following tradition is gonna make the terriosts say to themselves
“Im so pissed off but ya know what…they did follow our tradition so…lets back off a little boys”
I do get the part about not wanting people gathering around the grave. That makes sense.
I guess to me it just sounds “fishy” (No pun intended)
‘We killed him and have the body…OH its gone now.’
The “compound” was built before most of the town was built. For years and years, you’re lead to believe that he’s shacked up in the mountains somewhere…the last place you or I would look would be a mansion. Truthfully, I don’t find it that unbelievable. Hell, I don’t know half my neighbors and they haven’t seperated themselves from me with a 18’ wall.
As long as we have the photos and the DNA I’m fine with the burial at sea. Like was said earlier, the last thing you want is to give them a grave site for their martyr. And by doing it within 24 hours it’s one less thing the “US Hates Islam” crew can bitch about.
the other LOL is that Obama cut into Trumps Celebrity Apprentice at the end and then stalled until it would have been over anyway to give his speech. Coincidence?
---------- Post added at 01:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 PM ----------
Well, as for the Trump interruption, Obama wanted the mission to happen a day earlier but it was delayed because of bad weather.
That original date is a bit suspect as well though, because it would have just happened to allow Obama to announce they had Osama at the correspondents dinner, a real great photo-op for sure.
Cut the string on the only thing holding Al Qaida together with some reasonable stability, I dont think this was the best idea but needed to be done. But similar to the Third Reich, followers were not pledging allegiance to Al Qaida(Nazi Party) but Osama(Hitler). Backlash? Al Qaida may fall to shambles or many followers will see him as a martyr and we could see this death being the trigger to sleeper cells and attacks across the Westernized World.