Oscars Smoke house burned up

Fire at Oscar’s Adirondack Smoke House in Warrensburg
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September 04, 2009 6:52 PM
Casey McNulty
Oscar’s Adirondack Smoke House in Warrensburg is reportedly engulfed in flames.

The call came into Warren County Sheriffs at 5:44 P.M. Sheriffs say that there are no reported injuries.

A worker at the Grand Union on Main Street said that an EMS worker in the supermarket said that the fire was going to be difficult to tame.

Calls to the Fire Dept. and Oscar’s were unanswered.

The business has been open since the 1940s…


i said the same thing!

probably from a roach clip

Shit, now where the fuck am I gonna get that honey mustard. fuck :frowning:

Finsih wiring my Audi and I’ll make you a batch of my baller honey mustard

hey, stop changing shit every two weeks and we’ll get it done :lol:haha:rofl

No worries I dont have to send the ECU back they send me dirctions on how to update it here via a program.

Yeah, an get those bishes to send you the software on disk. Their website downloads suck.

No! I loved their beef jerkey. I was looking forward to stopping there all winter on the way home from Gore Mountain. Its a sad day indeed :frowning:

god damnit, one of my fav places ever. :frowning:

welp looks like it back to woodstock/saugerties for all my finely smoked meat products !!! Dam it !! ={

This is bullshit. Oscars ftw. Flames ftl

Best jerkey ever. Used to go there when I was a kid when my parents had a camp in the Adirondacks.

I guess they are going to rebuild and their insurance is covering their employees lost wages during the build as well.

Wayne introduced me to this place and have been hooked ever since. WTF!!! I was just there not too long ago. Beef jerky FTW.

According to the TU paper they plan to rebuild and be up and running in 3 months. Lucky for them they had and insurance audit and was advised by the insurance company to increase the insurance 30% in April. 3 months will be a fast turn around from the damage I saw in the picture in the paper

sonnnnn of a bitchhhhh

Jewish lightning? LOL.

I got some jerky there last summer when I was up in Warrensburg and it was really good.