This man was out there killin it. I want a ride along next event.

good shit.

hopefully this one loads cause imageshack is gay

For BG doing what he does best. Sitting around

Some in car stuff. I heard josh/jason say WTF is in the back of Sam’s car.

Tag team

Dang man that hurts. I’m still using my XT with Canon 17-85 IS. I just did a quick sharpen and level change because people always want the pictures so quickly. So I didn’t spend alot of time on them.
eeekk…I would dump that lens. For the price you could sell it you could get 2 lens that are actually better optically.
The sigma 17-70 is much better optically and is around $330 and you could look inot the Sigma 70-300 DG APO…considered the best of the budget 70-300 out there and its about $200
I’m selling it for the Sigma 24-70 f2.8. I have my fisheye for really wide. I’ve been looking at the Sigma 70-300 APO but money has been falling elsewhere. With my typical PP you can’t tell how bad the 17-85 sucks.
Sigma 24-70 is :bigthumb: go over to Sigma4less.com they are WAY cheaper then BH for them. BH wants $429 and Sigma4less is $364
Make sure you get the Macro version the newest one. It fixed the slight softness that use to be on the non macro one.
The tamron 28-75 is insanly sharp to and has the IQ of the Canon 24-70L…I have been thinking of selling my 28-75 for the Canon L because of the USM focus would be much better on my new 1DMKII…If you are interested in that I would sell it for $300 when I go to upgrade…not sure exactly when that is though
I didn’t like the build quality of the Tamron. I like the tank-like build of the sigma.