OUCH...who can fix hail damage?

i have like 8 dents from the hail storm today. most are on my hood. a couple are on the trunk. i have an 03 monte carlo and a $500 deductable. anyone have any input? can it be done for less? can they just be pulled out cheap?

Have no advice other than :repost:

Dent Wizard, I think his name is?

usually dry ice can fix it… since they are usually small and round

dry ice huh? can anyone confirm that this works?

why make another post when one is already started.


I hope you guys didn’t spend your stimulus checks yet.:stuck_out_tongue:

lol these guys had them spent before they were announced. :stuck_out_tongue:

where is this other post?

gen auto - how to fix hail damage to a car


OP was right. :slight_smile:

my bad i guess


so even if i did get this done somewhere, what would i bee looking at as far as cost? is it worth it to file a claim?

Probably depends on how much your comprehensive deductible is. To fix something like Steve’s, even with the dent wizard, I’m guessing it’s going to be pretty expensive. Even at our dent meet, with it’s group rate discount, it was still $40 to have two tiny little door dings removed. A great deal IMO but having the whole car done would be VERY time consuming using the process they were using. Time = money.

Yeah, I pad $110 for the three that they pulled out of my car. One was a bitch.

well…at this point anything is better than the $500 deductable

I will be trying the dry ice trick on my car this week.

I’ll post results.

Give me a call tomorrow 712-9274 we specialize in paintless dent removal at a far lower cost than any of the “chains” Sooner the better as we are getting hammered with appointments after today.


have a ballpark price? is it done per dent? or like a whole car thing?

The dents are probably an improvement?