Outdoor Karting at CVMP: "The Battle Continues" - [FINAL DATE Saturday 10/17]

sorry smokin that was hilarious. i lol’d.

lmaoooooo :rofl :rofl

check the times for the sunday, if i hadn’t hit that one mother fucking cone (i think i had k20 in the car too) i would have been 1:19.6xx i think, with the cone i was still 1:21.6xx :facepalm :facepalm

next spring hopefully i’ll be rollin right with you honda boyz :excited
springs/shocks/new tires will be done

but for srs chuck drove the balls off the MR2 :lmao . i think he was just taking it easy and i was pushing it too hard going into corners too hot. oh well, i’ve definitely improved and cant wait til next year

x 2

Remember spaces are limited…

So IF we fill up all 18 is it $50, or still the $70 as per over 12??

I don’t think I ever said it was going to be $50. Please see the description.

Prices are still being negotiated with the track owner at this point.

What I can say is that we will not pay more than $80 per head if we have more than 8 people showing up.

I am trying to get further discounts (i.e. the $70 per person if it’s over 12) but don’t want to commit to you guys unless I have something from the owner in WRITING, so I’m saying plan on about $80 for the day for now.

I realize that no where you said 50… I was asking IF we had full capacity(18) if would the price go down any, instead of being the same price as having 12 members going… know what Im sayin?

If not w/e, just curious as Im sure a few others are

Gotcha… Regarding pricing, please wait for me to post updates since I too am waiting to hear from the track owner. He has been responsive and knows we have a group coming on 10/18, but is on the road and away from e-mail this week while we are negotiating pricing.

So it’s hard for me to get answers in writing, which is what I need before I post things up officially.


I don’t think people are understanding that there are limited spots. There are a few names on the list that I can call right now that are going to last minute either A.) Not show up B.) Come up with some lousy excuse for not having money or C.) Something will “come up” and they can’t make it…like any other time there is an organized event…

Just saying.

yup the sarge is deffff backing out the morning of

Yea fuggit, might as well do it now


wtf triple post

c c c combo breaker

We all know this is a reality when planning an event.

I also know there are some die hards on here who will show up regardless stay committed.

As for me, if it’s just me, Wayne, and Vlad duking it out amongst ourselves, that’s all good, whatever…

If people fade out, that’s not an issue. There will be an “overrun” list once it goes past 18 members. Then, those who drop out will be replaced, in order, by those on the “overrun” list.

Only issue I can see is peeps trying to clip curbs and or perform ultra late braking at the hairpin and end up in the diggy dizirt… Haha

I already had the girl take off work or find a babysitter…

I will be going

Cant wait, I had so much fun at GPNY… Outdoors and 45mph cars ftw

italics ftw

i’m going. put me down… sooo excited!

i can vouch for said excitement. :ahh