Outdoor Karting at CVMP: "The Battle Continues" - [FINAL DATE Saturday 10/17]

There is such thing as P2. In fact, there’s P3, P4, P5, P6, P7…P(total number of entered racers).

sweet. dibs on P(last)

That would be 18 in this case.

that’s probably where i’ll come in anyway!

Thanks for the correction…


“Ask any racer… Any real racer…”


PFFFFT! I was trying so hard not to go there. :rofl

Only if you are running with the fat kids


add brooks to the list, i’m gonna be driving out w/ him.

You missed adding Lew to the list…I gotta have somebody to race against as I am having a lapping session

Places are filling up fast!

Add “That Guy” to the list.

dibs on that car, can take the rustang if one of you wants to sit in the back :haha

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GTFO haters ! im coming to race off my face

I would definatley get in on this. Its only an hour from me.

we can take the beater… got a muffler on it so wont be annoying the whole way out. or maybe if i get the deal im trying to get ont his 99 crv 5spd… we could take that :slight_smile:

Yeah… Um… Sure.

oh i’m definitely IN for that. I wanted to race with you guys last time, but everyone was too cool.



swiffer is def gay

You mean you guys went the wrong way and showed up an hour late? :rofl

Credit Vlad for that!

But don’t hide behind excuses- You snubbed the little people and actually, I am still a bit choked up over it… MaH boI Wayne seems to be too…



We took the um… scenic way :shifty