Overtime FTL

Working 8am - 9 pm sucks… but I guess I’ll love it come pay day. God I miss being on unemployment.

Ya sucks now…but payday will be sweet…I am workinf 14 days in a row …so I sort of feel ya

do it all the time no biggie

I don’t work overtime more than a few hours/year. fuck work, i spend the minimal amount of time at my job.

i had one pay a few years back had 36 hours overtime on it… best thing ever


Exchange server disaster recovery 29hrs straight :cookie:

wow… you must have companies busting down your door trying to hire you :kekegay:

I have moved to 2 different jobs in the past 2 years. I have no problem finding work.

but family comes first and I tell this to all interviewers. I will not travel for more than a night or two at most and won’t work a lot of OT. I will take comp time over OT pay (when I have to work it because of a big issue) and most employers have no problem with this.

work to live, don’t live to work :slight_smile:

i never said you have problems finding jobs… i also bet you don’t go into an interview and say you work the least possible… so lets not pretend you do!!! working around your schedule is the only way to work… :slight_smile: i typically work 2-4 hours on fridays… but lacking enthusism isn’t a good thing.

before the end of the first inerview, the interviewer knows how I feel about my job. I am brutally honest in an interview and if they don’t like something, they don’t hire me. But I have had pretty good luck in my career so far. :dunno:

I do a good job while I am at work, but you’re right, I do lack enthusism for my job.

and working 2-4 hours on a friday is awesome. :jealous:

8 hours of overtime this week so far. Gotta love 18 bucks an hour to do nothing!

Workin OT right now --it should be my day off BUT I NEED THE $$$$

That’s 720 a week at 40 hrs :slight_smile:

I am exempt from receiving overtime :hsugh:

I hate sitting there on the phone longer than I need to be, but i cannot turn down $19 an hour to do it. Payday makes it worth the while.

I got 40 hours already and have to work 10 tomorrow and 5 on sat.