
haahahahahhahah yeah i saw this on another forum a couple days ago, shit had me rollllin

where were sluts like that when i was in school

The quiet girl in the corner that spent her days writing sexual hit lists instead of slutting it up.

thats fuckin ballin.

Pure Ownage. Im I the only one who dosent find Asian Girls hot and would not give up my left nut to sleep with one? Not that there is anything wrong with that, its just not my cup of tea.

OWNED to the MAX!!! LOL!!!

atta boy dylan good find made me chuckle… cause thats you n yur sis :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao that hilarious


Im on yourside not so down with the yellow fever.

All girls are hot no matter what the colour ^


aaaaaaahaha and the best part is that even if he took it down, from that moment on everyone is gonna remember her as the whore who wrote down everyones dick shes sucked haha

hey, in his defence, its not his fault for exposing her on the internet, its her fauly for writing a dick list

I think that was more of a wish list, from what I can recall only one of them was an actually checkmark.



LOL. NICE. I love Asian girls, I had to get one. And I am loving it.

Who here love Asian girls but never had one as a girl friend or a fling? Well here you goo!!! http://bitchesofcraigslist.com/blog/toronto-bitches/.

LOL what is that?? Isn’t that illegal in Canada?
