oxygen sensor issues

Hope this is in the right forum… anyways, my '94 4.6 thunderbird has needed one of the 4 oxygen sensors replaced for about the last 47K miles. it’s the downstream sensor on the driver’s side, and from what i’ve heard/read, it’s just a ‘check’ sensor and isn’t particularly crucial on fuel economy, etc. - whatever. i’m moving to NC in about a month, and from what my bro’s told me, i need to get it replaced so the CEL isn’t on when i get inspected down there.

*i’ve had it scanned, this IS the correct sensor - and no reason why it shouldn’t be anyways… the sensor harness (on the side of the sensor itself) was left off briefly after the transmission swap at 50K, and the dorks let it cook on the exhaust, trashing said sensor.

the thing is, it’s in a bitch of a location next to the trans pan, and even with the proper socket from autozone to remove it, it still won’t come out. it’s pretty cooked in. i have the sensor itself, just need the labor done (haha, ‘just’) and it’s more than due to GTFO of there. my question is, where would be a good place to have this work done? i am Not doing this one myself, already tried and No go.

Joel :slight_smile: