Alright there guys I am sitting here looking at my 91 auto and wishing that it had a manual tranny. I have a 89 five speed in storgage. Now before anyone starts telling me to use the search function I already have and could not find anything on the e to de swap. I did however for the de to de. I am simply wondering what parts could be salvaged if not all of them I do not want to rip this shit apart and find that i have not one but two non running cars.
I know that there is someone out there who has a list or knows what is involved.
Please help a brother out and get me out of this auto poop my tires need to get used!!
i am so glad i went to sportcompact. i’m getting some auto–> manual stuff for my ka24de. and plus a free tranny!! another question… 125 for all the materals a good price or should i try to bargin?