sasquach… dry systems are compeltely useless and wet systems to requre the heads to hold the pressure… we had idiots throw a frisbee into a head that dumped 200 gallons of water on teh second floor of a building… so it is totally possible for one to be mishandled and dumped. you being a fire fighter has literally nothing to do with your input, other than some experience… which is great and all, but you are leading people to believe that wet systems can’t dump into your house, which they can.
how about this darkstar… people die becuse they set their own house on fire… do you honestly thing houses spontaneously combust? again… we want the government to mandate something on all of us, just so some idiots don’t die… honestly, if you set your house on fire, by accident even, it is not the fault of the contractors that built it, the sprinklers or lack of, the home inspector… it is YOUR FAULT… why do personal people carry fire insurance if it is not directly their fault? this is at the behest of the home owner…
not that i’m against having a system in your house, i know i have fire extinguishers on all floors and sometimes multiple… but it is wrong for a government mandated system just to have morons leave kerosene heaters running overnight and then suing the water company for home damages when the sprinklers put out the fire, but also drown your house with water.
people are fucking dumb…
Yes, they do. It’s called an electrical fire. Do you really want you life to lie in the hands of whoever the fuck did the electrical on that house? Or what idiot homeowner screwed with it over the years? And either way, it’s a fantastic idea. It will save thousands of lives, and then those people will live on to pay more taxes, so we can lower yours so you should be fucking ecstatic about this, you obedient little conservative!
Also remember, poor people cant afford new houses so they will still be burning up left and right. Should make for a nice BBQ’s for snobby conservatives.
I have worked in the Fire sprinkler field so I kinda know alittle more than you think . Also I said dry systems require water to be supplied but the fire dept, are they useless ya I agree . The size of some of these houses nowadays a sprinkler system is a good idea . It’s possibly only gonna save your life and property but maybe the firefighters that are inside . There are sprinkler heads that have a cover over them to prevent things like jr hitting them and breaking them off . If you do a google search in images you will see what I mean .
but if it does go off for some mistake reason other than a fire it will flood ur house very quickly and ruin ur house… i’ll take my $10k and the chances my house wont catch fire.
Bob I am not disagreeing with you I am just trying to explain the way some of these things work . I have seen dead people pulled from house fires , would a fire supression sysrem have saved them I don’t know but it cant hurt . It’s like car insurance would you gamble with your SS or Hurst ? Also it is no different if your water line would break by " mistake" or that new T.V. shorting out when your in bed sleeping. I can’t stand tree hugers telling me what to do and it should be your option but what the hell is another 10 grand (as you put it) on safety for your family .
my wife is a burn nurse… so I also know some intimates around house fires, or at least some about the victims of such… and honestly the times that it is genuine people that are really hurt is very low… the amount of times that it is moronic, negligent, self-deserving assholes, is high…
i’m not against any of this… buy a fucking water tower to pittsburgh plunge your house, my point is that the government need not mandate people to purchase these things… is it human nature to fend for yourself, we are civilized people, but you still need to fucking deal with your own life.
i’m a snobby conservative because i don’t want more of my paycheck to go to subsidies to people whom can’t afford sprinklers??? call me whatever, my income should not increase their value of life… because guess what mother fucker, no one is over here helping me. I donate clothes, food and money, so don’t give me this pompous, hatred fed perception… I do what I can do, short of forceful mandatory requirements, which is what I am totally against.
The fact that the gov is making this mandatory is the reason I don’t like it. I bet more than half of my income goes to insurance of some sort. Car, home, health, life, fire, etc… How about we drop all of the BS and deal with stuff when it happens?
fuck having a sprinkler in my house. I have seen what flooding does to a house, it’s just as bad as a fire (well, the roof may still be in good shape after a flood unless it’s real bad ). I lost everything in my basement a few years ago because of water damage(walls, floor, computers, furniture, pictures, etc…). I never had a house fire but I bet nothing is salvageable when the thousands of gallons of water in addition to the fire is done with it.
My kids know what to do if something happens and everything material I have can be replaced. The important stuff is at a few locations anyway so it really doesn’t matter.
Trust me I’m not for anything that the government pushes down my throat and I also do my share of donating and paying taxes without the help of others.
Anyone know if this new law includes additions as well, or just full new home construction?
I’m starting an addition in the spring, and it won’t have any plumbing but a gas line. I don’t want the expense of this because some idiot can’t go to sleep without having a smoke in their bed.
lee, what i read is that it’s livable space based… so it’s by the sq/ft… certain percentage of your livable space and boom your toast. do your math accordingly! haha any real ballers would throw fm200 at it… i wonder if gas exhaustion is considered a compatible (legal) replacement…?
So you don’t think that there should be building codes at all? Your characterization that “most” of the people that burn up deserve it is kinda scary (as if anyone deserves to burn alive). So if grandma forgets to turn the stove off, the grandkids upstairs DESERVE to be burned to death? Or if the dog knocks over a candle into the drapes, everyone in the house deserves to die from smoke inhalation? Or maybe the hot water tank breaks and floods the house, causing a short and a fire.
Also, how did this turn into a government subsidy? I don’t recall anything about that. This is about making sure people build safe homes. It’s not just about the safety of the person building it. It’s about all of the other people down the line that could be unknowingly purchasing a death trap.
I’m surprised anytime I find myself agree with you. Stop saying things that make sense.
This is for new construction, and is not entirely new. Look at the codes for multi-units above three. There needs to be either a complete fire escape, with full size doors or a sprinkler system retrofitted. I have an owner forced to turn his three-unit into a two unit, due to the costs. He started to look into the sprinker system, until he realized he would also need to tap into the water supply, as it needs to have it’s own dedicated supply from the street.
No one except the person buying the new home will have to absorb any of the costs of adding the sprinkler system.
not to mention that it’s much cheaper to install into new construction than to retrofit down the line. Arguing against this is like arguing against seat belts and air bags.
This is internet arguing 101, change the post to something that was not said and then argue that point.
Maybe you need to take reading comprehension 101 again. Or, as it seems, for the first time.
The word “deserving” was in there but wasn’t the main point of his post, at least from what I gathered from it. But feel free to continue arguing.
falso…it will hurt contractors and builders when people decide against a house with a sprinkler system or dont wanna pay the added costs and INSURANCE PREMIUMS…
this was almost a deal breaker for my bro in law if he wasnt able to get his permits in before “da lock” so to speak. like i said he’s seen on of clients deal with a false sprinkler activation and it cost more to fix the store than the store originally costs. had he not been able to get these permits he would not be spending 600k building a house plus the 150k for the land and thats bad for economics
pretty sad that when you read what i wrote this is your response. anyone that burned alive is not a survivor… but people that dip their kids into hot water without checking, or leave kerosene heaters on and go shopping do deserve to get thier houses burnt down and do deserve to have their kids taken away. again, people need to be responsible for their own lives.
you want a sprinkler system, go install it… you want to make sure the house you are buying isn’t a ‘deathtrap’ guess what, that is on YOU to determine if what you are buying is safe… what in the fuck is the point of this anyway??? i’m not against fire safety asshole, i’m against the government making the decision for me… and then against the piece of shit people that will argue and sue that they can’t afford it, so then it’ll be free for them.
if you are going to try to rent out an apartment or multi unit, why in teh fuck should you not have to have a fire escape or sprinkler??? again, totally 100% misunderstanding the point and beyond that, since we are all so knowledgeable, we all know how silly it is to talk about commercial zoned properties vs. personal residential properties…eh?
if YOU are buying YOUR house it should be up to YOU to determine what is inside it… if you are building your new house, you should be able to make that call… maybe if you have sprinklers your home owners is way low and your fire insurance is lessened, but it should not be mandated, required and fined (which is the entire point, to make money off the supplies required and the subsequent citations for not following code)…
this is a stupid argument that is trying to argue personal safety when the reality is that it is yet another government mandate on our personal lives. always trying to obfuscate reality with the notion of being ‘safe’ … fucking idiots
if your grandma is unfit to live alone, i suggest you get assisted living of some sort, or move her in at home… what is wrong with society this day and age where our elders are left to die alone? I feel bad for shitty families… and without saying, the kids that were burned because grandma was watching them (and clearly not capable) should be taken away by child services and given a chance by a family that puts their safety first.
if your idiot dog is going to burn your house down, train your fucking dog or put it outside… and don’t burn open flames by your curtains asshole, because you have a moronic dog that is going to burn your house down.
I see this as one of those “if it saves one life” type of things. Of course we need building codes, but at some point there has to be a limit on what is regulated. Why not take it one step further and mandate that all new houses be steel studs instead of wood? No wood subfloors or hardwood floors. Ban flammable drapes, furniture, etc.