what a joke


:repost: but definitely :bsflag: x 8 bazillion

note that ALL of the people on the house transportation commitee have 717 area codes. No wonder the roads out in West PA are shit.

apparently people don’t know how to fucking read.

i see this popping up on all the boards.

they’re basically changing the wording of Section 4523 of Title 75 from:

“all vehicles will have an effective noise supression system”


“all vehicles will have a stock, identical to stock, OR other effective noise supression system”

Basically, EXACTLY what it is now. If your car is legal now, it’ll remain legal. If it’s not, it will stay illegal.

Don’t get your panties in a wad.

lol… those are their office numbers in harrisburg, ass hat. State reps are required to spend three days a week in H-burg during House business weeks.

i know this cupcake, it was a joke. :wink:

sorry… i’ve been putting up with so much stupidity regarding this minor wording change on EVERY car site i post on… i’ve been taking everything as ill-informed ass-hattery.

yeah i know. Its on the autorush main page. I was gonna say something but I didnt want to stir up the hornets nest.

i haven’t gone deep into Title 75, but since the max db levels aren’t being touched by the bill, and considering that the original wording is still intact requiring “some kind of noise supression”, I can’t see how this will affect anyone.

i think it’s a way to get people too apathetic to actually READ the law to think our state reps actually DO something.


so true

this is why I’m trying to run for District 30 in 2006. I would imagine as a regular guy with no great love of party politics, and the fact that I won’t commit (alleged) felonies while in office (unlike Jeff Habay), I can motivate people to actually give a fuck about what happens in Harrisburg.

I shit you not.

I’m going to run on the platform of: We need more cops on duty AND with better education, we need students better prepared by public schools for what comes after graduation, and we need to get MUCH tougher on narcotics while easing penalties on marijuana… there are pot heads occupying jail cells that we could be putting coke dealers into.

Ive often thought of running for the state legislature. But down here if you dont have the right last name, then you can forget it.

Blayner, is district 30 Habay’s? My wife has lived in shaler her whole life and thought Habay was soo great. I have told her for years that he was a crook and love that he is going down.

I’d run for office but I have a shady past that would come back to haunt me. I can just imagine the hearings and the testimony from people I’ve done bad things too. In my defense, they had it comming. :naughty:

yep… 30 is Habay.

I’ll vote for you!


i’d better get busy kissing hands and shaking babies.