Worst story of Buffalo Red Tape I've ever seen


House hit by lightning during the big storm, burned down.
3 days later Buffalo demolishes the house, and doesn’t even notify the family first.
Family hit with a $40000 demolition bill because the city didn’t know if there was asbestos in the house or not (would have been $8000 if they knew there wasn’t).
The house was only worth about $60000 to start with.

WOW, now THATS fucked up.

i cant wait to get outta here. i say the entire comunity of NYSpeed moves somewhere else so the only thing that changes is the place we are. lol

Home owners Insurance?


Yeah, but if you have a house valued at 60k, plus what ever for the posessions, will homeowners pick up the rediculous 40k for demolition, when it should have cost 8k?

A similar thing happened to the historic Leland House here in Springville.
I believe the owner sued the town/village/whatever.

i heard that was deemed arson

Ahhh, I never heard the end of that saga.
I think he sued because they did an “emergency” demo without his consent though.

id fight it and sue the city for a ton of money

Find the SOB govt. worker that approved it and hang him right in front of the city hall. Make a statement for the next guy to make that type of decision.


FLSpeed anyone?


They pulled the same shit on one of the properties my Dad used to own down on the east side. It was a rental property which had been vacant for I believe 4 weeks and he would only go there once a week just to mow the lawn, well someone started a fire on the porch. Resulting in half of the porch being burned down, the city came and demolished the whole house without his consent. Which then left him with a mortage(a very small one which regardeless is still bullshit) he had to pay for a house which he could no longer rent out.