Pagani Zonda Music for you ear (now Huayra too)


<3 Zonda.

meh, sounds alright but ive heard better sounding cars.


Dear Baby Jesus.

thats a lotta zondas

ya, and why was he ripping through that street with millions of dollars w/ of cars…
he doesnt deserve that


although nice lookin bubble

It was a promotional event/dinner for Pagani with their test driver behind the wheel.


Probably 1/3 of all Zonda’s sitting right there (exageration?) How many were produced?

From what I’ve read estimates for production put the Zonda (various models) at 34 producted between '99 and '02 and a rumored 25 cars per year from '03 - 06. (with production capabillity at 250 cars per year at the new factory down the road from Lambo.)



Some sounds from the new Huayra: