Paint Change

what is the paint color’s name of that “shade-shifter” 350Z that was at the autoshow last year. turned from a purple to a “burnt-orange” color…that looked alright, without doubt the best stock paint ive seen in awhile.

rare eh…my type of thing…haha i do like it…i also like the orange…but metallic…not a fan of the flat colours

Shorteaz i saw this M5 2day in tha car show… and this color is just beautiful !!

Good luck!!

that is actually a pretty nice colour

i think it will look great on your car…:slight_smile:

Brickyard, same thing as Interlagos Fire, but Interlagos fire fades from dark purple to purple while brickyard is purple to copper/orangeish

GET IT!! or Brickyard haha. I like Interlagos fire more because it’s rarer and wont catch THAT much attention :rolleyes:

That is SWEET… similar to Brickyard

DROOL @ the Alpina car in the background…

Maybe I’m getting old, but I’m a fan of those ‘weird browns/tans/terracotta’ colors on big sedans… :smiley:

haha well u can keep ur browns…no brown for me

ummmmm ewww not teal!!! ill never talk to you again i think that color is disgusting lol… sorry… go with a jdm color for sure… darker the better :smiley:

each to their own lol…i still havent decided yet

get a whole bunch of colours that you like, put them on a dart board and throw a dart. what ever colour you hit. paint it that colour
problem solved. :slight_smile:

ud think this wudnt be such a big deal and wud be easy…but omg…so tuff

nah cause they might think shes a lesbo haha…

where are you getting this lesbo thing from
:confused: :confused: :confused:

lol im far from lesbo

i like that lambo colour . or like a metallic plum purple would be killer on ur car as well.

I think he saw the rainbow and thought she was considering rainbow paint for her car … dunno.

haha the rainbow letters./. just did that cus i was writing colour. thought i make the letters different colours.

how about candy/metallic red? This one has a slight orange tint to it as well in the right light…

thats a realllly nice colour…but i doubt ill be able to do a colour so close to the colour i have now :frowning: