Paint Change

That’s an amazing colour!

personal family reasons…basically my car cant be recognized aside from the fact its the same car

conspiracy theory: angelica’s family is involved with the mob, much like the soprano’s, and either the 300zx was used in a hit or a bank robery and the paint must be changed as to not look suspicious.

lmao…sure…ill go with that haha

your wrong. she ran over somebody with the car and now she needs to hide the evidence. hehehe

i think that would be you alex…

ssshhhhh. you were the only witness to that and you promised you wouldnt tell.

im voting for the blue lambo

Voted G-H-E-Y

Mystic Jade:

Calsonic Blue:

Pushing the midnight purple again…

i like that midnight purple.

I do too! Almost, black, but with a bit more ‘ummph’ to it… :R

well wen i do decide its gunna be a secret muahahaha

doh… well whatever colour you pick im sure it will look sweet. nice fresh new paintjob

how about yellow? like the lambo yellow. ive seen a 300zx with that paintjob and it looks nice.

no…i said i dun like yellow

he isnt a good listener/reader now is he?

i’m in love with that “Mystic Jade” colour!

dido if i ever get a GTI-R its mystic jade all the way , with like bronze or mat-gold rims :R

well i was thinkin of that lambo colour…and i was having 2nd guesses…cuz a valid point of the lines of the 300zx and the colour not goin together

^^^ go midnight purple or mystic jade ftmfw