Like the title states, im looking to buy a paint gun so i can stain my fence, i dont want to sit there with a roller to stain it, would take forever.
Not picking on the kind of gun, just as long as it gets the job done…
I would also borrow one for a price if someone wants to rent one to me.
most stains cant be sprayed because they get too much build up and will peel or get stupid shiny. fyi.
I have a wagner power sprayer if you want it. $45
I was always under the impression that you have to roll it on so that it will actually penetrate?
correct, spraying “sets” the coating on the surface. using a roller works in into the crevices. spray and back brush is ideal for stain.
i have never stained a fence before but i didnt think it mattered if you rolled or sprayed. the fence looks like it has never been stained or at least in ten years… let me know what you guys think i should do about it i dont mind rolling just wanted to go quicker to get it done. thanks
roll it. its not that hard or time consuming
one person roll the other follows behind with a brush to even the stain and make sure its covered. that’s proper technique. you’ll get much longer life out of the stain.
My dad is a pro painter, he does new houses so he doesn’t paint many fences. But he definitely told me the same thing.
thanks for your advice guys, i think i will do that instead of spending the money to buy or rent a gun