Automotive Paint / Painting ...

this spring or summer i’m going to need to get my car painted, gloss black. i was tossing the idea around about learning how to paint and paint it myself. i have a 30gal craftsman air compressor and what not, just need the gun. was wondering what suggestions everyone had for a paint gun. i’m not looking for a top of the line gun, just something to get the job done nicely that isn’t to expensive. i know that paint guns aren’t cheep, but i’m not looking for a $600 gun. i was told that top feed gravity guns are the way to go. what else should i look for or if you know of a specific model that’s good …

also, i currently have my engine pulled out of the engine bay. i’ve already begun to clean it out and want to re-paint it gloss black. the kid who had the car before me painted parts of engine yellow and green. he never pulled the stuff out to paint it, so it basically looks like someone threw up under my hood, i want to fix that. i understand that it gets pretty hott under the hood … i got some duplicolor interior/exterior paint that i think should do the job of clearning up the puke colors … hopefully it holds up. any other suggestions?

that 30 gallon compressor wont keep up with a spraygun unless you pant the car one panel at a time, which is a pita. if your going to pint at home, borow a second compressor and hook them together o you have 2 pumps working in your favor

for the engine bay paint, you dont need to use anything diffeent then what you would use on any other body panel, the firewall and such doesnt get any hotter then the roof would in the sun. you can actualy go with cheaper paint in the engine bay because it will never see the sun, so its not going to fade

for a cheap gun, almost anything will work, final quality is more “IN the wrist” then it is in the gun, as long as the gun atomizes properly, your good

My buddy Ron at schmitts painted the hood fo a black audi a8 with a $15 astro thats 10 years old … and it came out tits (his good gun was at home that day)

i have a gun you can borrow :slight_smile: $500 sharp platinum

actually Nick, when it comes time … if you could teach me how to paint, I’d appreciate it. You’re tits with almost anything related to cars … painting, technical stuff, you name it … I’ll even throw some cash your way for helping me out.

sounds good to me mang

Go to Keystone Automotive and see what they have. Their prices are good for what they have. I’d stick to either sata or aiwata (sp?)

While a good painter can do a good job with a bad gun, its best to learn without a handicap.

Prepwork is more important than technique.

there is also always harbor Freight and their 19.99 gravity feed guns