Sorry, what’s crc?
I’ve been to small claims court once before and won… maybe round 2?
I’m just surprised because they did such a nice job on my SI…
Sorry, what’s crc?
I’ve been to small claims court once before and won… maybe round 2?
I’m just surprised because they did such a nice job on my SI…
small claims court is quick and easy, hes gaurenteed to win… reciept along with pics of the car and its 100"% gaurenteed… $15 to make a claim or w.e
I didnt and I wont read anything past the OP.
First off EVERY single aspect of that job is not swinging in your favor for perfect results:
-Silver and greys are the hardest colors to match. Its the way the pigments work.
-Plastic bumpers ESPECIALLY light colors will not, ever look the same as metal parts. Infact, you can paint a fender and the bumper with the same damn paint, gun, psi, painters arm… and it will be off.
-metal flakes lay out COMPLETELY different, depends on gun pressure, reducer type, distance from panel with the gun, travel speed, direction, … again the hardest thing to duplicate results with.
-Aged panels vs new.
-Color code schmeller code… some colors manufacture to manufacture, painters to painters, booth temps to booth temps… everyone is so quick to blaim the sticker on the can of paint.
-Lastly and most importantly… anyone who paints and puts their signature next to “this shit will be a perfect match” when panel painting should just hang the gun up. ALSO as a customer if you expect that you can also be in the wrong. If you dont know, you need to ask AND the shop needs to explaine correctly why. If that car came to me, to panel paint it and it has to match OEM perfect like the bumper came out of a time machine and was just installed I would turn the work away.
Bottome line is this, blending the fenders and hood would be a MUST. If the code is right, the mixer didnt fall asleep pulling the pigment levers and there are no variances, use another vendors product. Personally that would be a SPIEZ $120+ a pt color for me, not a $32 a pt nason job. Then the painter needs to make adustments to the fun or painting style now that he see how it laid down.
you got RETARDED lucky. I would love to know who painted it, what product they shot, and i doubt but who knows maybe they rememeber… what the gun pressures and setup was.
Also, I forgot to mention clearcoat can and WILL change shade outcome. Same basecoat cleared half with A and half with B you might see the difference. Granted thats a mile off on the OP’s car, but its alllll these little variables that add up in the end.
And jake said its a tri coat? I didnt look at the color code at all here to look into it. But if thats true, thats another GIANT factor. Tri coats are Basecoat, Mid coat (usually pearls or effects in a carrier) then a Clear coat. And some high end paints REQUIRE a specific clear to get the results.
I’m happy with my non blended, panel painted job. I’m still sticking with the paint is the wrong shade. It shouldn’t be that far off, plastic bumper to metal hood or not.
my reply was a general statement, had nothng to do with the car at hand. I aint saying anything about the car or that work unless I see it, and know all the details behind the job.
my reply was for knowledge, not a fix. :number1
I got extremely lucky twice. Hardtop was done with the same paint last year. BigRed Dave sprayed both. Deltron paint and I’d have to ask Dave what the clear is.
I’d rather not deal with any type of courts, tbh. All I want is a better job… not one that is WAY off. I realize this can be an extremely difficult process- but I don’t think I am wrong to say that’s a pretty poor/embarrassing color match. I am willing to pay for it; I just want something done right.
You’re definitely not wrong saying its a terrible match. PM Krazy Kid (CRC - Capital Region Customs) or Big_Red.
you don’t get “lucky” twice, you know what your doing and you most likely mix paints in house. You can’t get it 100% if you’re buying paint and just doing the spray job, you have to be able to tweek the paint if need be to get a perfect match.
I am weeks out honestly… if you want it done faster I dont know Daves schedule at the shop he works for but you can ask.
If you can wait. we can take a look at it and see what we can do.
KBB’s car looks pretty legit.
I don’t understand how people can fuck paint up but there is a lot of factors to painting a car I guess. Look at every Supra from 93-98. None of the rear bumpers match because they are plastic and the rest of the car is metal. Acura is similar.
Oh I know lolol. My lucky comment was semi-sarcastic lol
IRC Vintage doesnt mix. I could be wrong but I think dave mentioned that to me a while back… but I dont honestly remember. Either way, if you do or not you are still doing the job more than once to get the proper results becasue you need a spray out to make your adjustments.
Thats very true though… buying paint is a crap shoot for sure, we built a relationship with Autobody and Keystone (10+ years). they never would dick us over and get careless but I have gotten colors that were off, but I put my money on its not their fault. Hell I shot the FIAT R6 tank twice to get it right and I had to blend that out too! And that was shot with a damn paint color finder!
EXACTLY. People (including me) cant wrap their heads around how the hell that happens plastic vs metal with the same damn paint. It still blows my mind to this day and I know the process and technicalities behind it!
Paint work, can be wicked easy or a complete cocksucker. It can be cheap as dirt or expensive as fuck… and all 4 end results could look exactly the same side by side.
Thats painting
i agree 100% with this especially about how the flake is layed the the direction is very critical because it can reflect the light in a different way then the oem paint and make it look darker/lighter and posts like is is why if i owned a body shop would turn down panel painting or make sure they understand that there is a high chance of the color not matching, neals auto has been around a very long time and painted alot of show cars back in the day, from eddie habecks(spelling) Camry to adams cirraco (spelling haha) and alot of bikes as well hes not perfect so maybe he did fuck up but id give them the chance to fix it with the understanding that you brought him a bumper to paint without the car there
oh and waterbased paint blows and its completly different then the oil based paint used 5 years ago
from the OP i believe he brought them the entire car. i completely understanding if it was not a match if he didn’t have the car but if he did there is no excuse
I agree, back in the APG days I remember people recommending Neals- it’s what led me there in the first place, and they’ve done stellar work for me. Just for the record, they had the car there (with the bumper).
ahhhh ok i must have missed that… id bring it back and show neal and then have him fix it on something both of you can agree with