paintball guns

well a group of buddies of mine asked me to come play painball with them they play everyweekend

there gonna lend me a gun for untill i can mybe get one

what are some good guns and some good websites for them? or anyplaces around pittsburgh that sells them?

im not looking to spend no 1000 bucks but i dont want no walmart special

and if anyone has one for sale let me know

ballah where you at on this one


All Tippman products are very simple, reliable and perform well in any condition. IMO - stay away from electrokneumatic markers. They may perform better but cost goes uphill and reliability goes downhill.

I think Dick’s still carries the Tippman 68 special around $140. That should do the trick.

I like my Spyder. I’ve used Tippman’s before and they are a bit better. Although the ones I’ve used were pump action and my Spyder is semi auto. Two different classes really. You go through less balls with pump action too.

all depends on which electro you get. I know angels are probably the most reliable gun out there… they also cost over 1000 :smiley: how much do you want to spend and how into the game are you? tippman is definitely a good choice for a real good price. back when i played constantly my favorite weapon was the autococker, but they are pretty complicated compared to something like a tippmann and also cost a good bit more.

the tippman sounds cool would seem fair any you guys got any that you would sell?

i don’t have any… brad may know someone, if not you can get them for very good prices on ebay with everything you would need to play, like mask, hopper…

its all about skill when it comes to pump vs. semi/full auto

autocockers, automags, angels, etc. are on the higher end of the spectrum, all of which you dont need if you’re just playing in the woods with a few friends

ps- JeffWells and electro in the same sentance…nothing good can come of that :cough:emanage:cough:

If you’re interested I’ll sell my spyder. It’s about 6 years old so it may need new seals but it was only used maybe 10 times. When I bought it, it was a limited edition. It’s all black. I have a 12oz bottle with the handle adapter thing. If you are remotely interested I’ll get pics and a model number and see how it fires (assuming my bottle still has air)

i got my brass eagle avanger 2 with mask and a 9 oz tank for 100 bux at gander mt not the best but compares to a mid grade spyder

well im gonna play prob once a week
and ill be all like rambo so i want a pretty good one :reloading

and i want one that when i pull the trigger those lil bitches fly
and then to be able to switch it to single shot or three shot

spyders 6 years ago were built way better then spyders are now.

how much do you want to spend for everything??

dunno like to keep it under 200

im gonna go look at the brass eagle avenger after work…
just read some reviews it looks to be fine and i wont be all stressted if i drop the bitch

im just gonna end up spraying it flat black and putting slayer stickers on it!

wish ballah would answer his phone i know hes got more money in paintball stuff then his whole yukon and mustang

where are you gonna play i would like to play more often… maybe we could set up a pittspeed meet… that would be cool … brokeasskorream has the tippman a5 fully auto and stuff

gonna play in washington pa

buddy hs a real nice set up
its 25 acre and all woods

is it a real feild or just some woods to play in … what are you going to do about co2 etc i think i am going to get a 20 tank

I haven’t used a recent Spyder so I can’t compare but my gun was always good for me. When I played it suited me perfect. I have no complaints with it at all.

Of course I started playing with a Brass Eagle Talon… haha… the only way thats fun is if EVERYONE has that gun… then it’s fair. But who wants fair… everyone just wants to win.

gander mountain got some nice guns up their