Paintball places in/around gta

Whats with all the tippmans? does no one play speedball?

I used to run an Angel A4 chipped and with a dye boomstick, an eggie with Z chip. I liked it, ran 24 bps with no bounce.

^A Tippmann was my first gun so I stuck with them. I currently have an A5 with an e-grip and flat line.

Plus, the Tippmaan’s with cyclone feeders don’t really need suto hoppers. The feeder can feed at almost 20BPS with out breakage.

For any of theo SON’lings attending Outbreak 2008, we should have a lil 240 meet in the parking lot prior to the game. HAHAHA!

lol i remember when i was deep in the sport, we would always get harassed bussing home with our equipment.

240s in a parkinglot + paintball markers

not a prime idea lol.

I think tippmans are cooll. theyr’e liek the toyotas of paintball markers. They shoot with sand in the chamber and with no lube. But they dont shoot very fast. You could never speedball with one.

^My A5 used to shoot at 380 FPS without any ball breaks. That was before my valve took a dump.
You could speedball with a Tippmann.
I believe the rules limit you to 13 BPS and 280 FPS. Tippmaans just weigh a lot. Which would be the biggest downfall.
So you could use a Tippmann, it just wouldn’t be practicle.

A5s also have that huge cyclone loader bullshit which is a big target when you snapshoot. no speedball rules dont limit you to a min max bps. They just make sure you dont bounce and you’re good.

I did. I played regularly too, BPS is important but angles, strategies and sprints all make up the game. It only takes 1 hit to get them out.

I was minutes away from buying an Angel myself, Force Fly I beleive it was years ago but never went through with it, good thing to.