Paintball - Tippmann 98 Sniper - $150


dont waste bandwith. you already have a thread for this. and your price is still too high, especially on a non PB forum.


my point was you already have a thread for this gun.

ill give ya 100 cash look on CL they go for 79-100 all day long


they are also comming with a tank mask

very good gun and in vgc i just used this at a grc…dirtye30 shut the fuck up get out of his threads…

THATS THE FUCKING PROBLEM! HE DOESNT NEED TWO GOD DAMN THREADS FOR THE GUN!!! how many fucking people have to tell him he wants too much??? i didn’t say his gun is a piece of shit, i said its too expensive. fuck! you fucking kids are unreal.

chill out he just joined man…you dont have to spam his threads.

im not spammin shit. hes spamming the clasifieds if anything. GLWS n00b. take the 100 bucks. thats a solid offer.

maybe he is so the fuck what …who are you anyways



what about tank and mask? size of the Co2


yea ill pass man, sorry i can get a 98 with a hopper tank and mask for 100

First off, Yes the gun is a good gun, Second you don’t need two threads to sell, Third you have Heatley as your signature pic so you must like murderer’s. GLWS though. GO SABRES!!!


If you still have it, I’ll do 100 shipped to NYC area with the hopper…