What all is the advacned course about?

I took the basic class last summer, and I fell I not only became a better rider, but a better driver. I think every person on the road, on a bike should have to take the course. I was out riding with a few buddies yeaterday, that range anywhere from riding 12+ years to just riding their first street bike. And I gotta tell you not a one of them, other than me, has had the course. I saw so much stuff that are no-nos in the course that I woner how they have made it this long.

In my class there was one woman that has been riding for 5+ years that laid the bike down one time during a practice ride. She stopped, started looking at her boot and fell right over. But in the end everyone passed, although she was the closest to not, with only one point to spare.

The advanced course lets you use your own bike. You basically go over the same things, in an ‘advanced’ environment. It is assumed that everyone has been riding for a while & knows the ins/outs of the PA MSP.

I would like to take it again sometime.

we were talking about going to this, closest class in in maryland

Also depending on your insurance you can get additional discounts. My insurance gives 10% Basic, another 10% for advance, and I think 15-20% additional if you are an instructor.

You may want to check but I could have sworn then have those locally to. Usually set up through Beaver Run with different groups or associations.

I took it at Youngwood WCCC

you took the total control class at WCCC or the PAMSP?

The video is of the Total control class which is way different than the PAMSP.

I was refering to the TC class possibly being up at Beaver Run.

took this class last year with my fiance. She went from not knowing how to start a bike up, to passing the class with flying colors no problem. It is def worth it for anyone no matter how long you have been riding. And the perk is even if you have your license already you can at least get an insurance break for passing.

and about that advanced class. I think its just harder courses and material and you are required to use your own bike for the class. They don’t provide for this one. Ic ould be wrong though.

Sorry, I meant that I took the PAMSP ERC. I’d be into the Total control class, though. It may take about 10 guys to tilt me & my VTX over on it’s side. Even at that, I would feel bad for the guy on the low side :kekegay:

The VTX1800C weighs 705 lbs dry. Plus fluids & my svelte 260 lb frame.

Yeah I hear you on the weight issue. my VN1600 isn’t much lighter. Now if I had my ZX-12R still I would love to take the TC class.

watch the video, there is a blue vtx in it, plus i have the book if you would like to read it Tod

That was an M109, not a VTX.

I’d like to read the book. I need to get that disc to you anyways, so we need to meet up.