Pandora & Fiddler

Ok, if you don’t know what I’m talking about - don’t ask.

However - for those who do, does it still work for you?


edit: seriously, no

No problems at all with Pandora. I’m going to try to stream it to my Soundbridge sometime this week.

Pandora worked fine this weekend

pandora works great i listen to it all the time.

fiddler to monitor pandora? i dont get it

pandora works for me

Pandora > *

That is ll

Fiddler’s plugin for Pandora.

I know Pandora works - Just wondering if Fiddler’s plugin works for it.

Certainly better than

i can never sit through the crap quality of this shit

It’s 128 kbit, not too bad

Pandora sometimes stop playing mid song on me…

Not too sure why.