Parents supporting the modding habbit.

I think I have finally figured out my own position on this. As someone that takes pride in buying my own parts and such, yet has been bailed out a couple of times by my parents, I can understand both sides of the issue.

I don’t care who buys the car or who buys the parts. Its how much the individual knows about cars and driving. I cant stand it when the parents buy a kid a car and the kid doesn’t know how to drive stick, doesn’t know what a turbo is, but just got a brand new EVO IV. It bothers me even more when the kid drops off the car at a shop and have them go at it without knowing jack shit about what is going on. Even if some kid buys the car himself, its painful if they dont know shit about it.

i think this is the best way it has been put yet… :nod

people just just learn to have jobs and earn things for themselves. not only is it more rewarding but its just teaching you to work hard and save for what you want.

+1 and i need a 2nd job so i can earn moar money and get building my car

Guys, you take what you can get, there’s always someone better off, and worse off than you. It’s all relative.

If your dad’s cool as shit with cars and a mechanic and he buys you a fucking E36 M3 and says we’re gonna do a project and make this thing turbo…you’d say “no dad. I need to buy everything on my own or internet people will hate me for it” ???

FUCK NO you take that shit and be happy your dad worked his ass off to get comfortable enough that he can do that for his son, and you work your balls off just the same to give the same things to your kids.

There’s one thing my young mind is starting to TRULY understand and that is ANYTHING is possible if you put your mind to it, the only limitation you have for your potential is in your head. Do work.

do w3rk ;D

Word Benny! :cool :thumb

Do Work.


You are on the wrong side of the ball. :slight_smile:


He’s saying your opposing his views…i think :confused

or that he plays for the other team… :gay

I can’t become president :ponder

The conversation is regarding whether or not a parent should give to the kid not whether the kid should take. I think that’s a given. :slight_smile:

Ah, gotcha