Paris Hilton's Commercial Response

I felt the exact same way before starting this thread. It’s like… “Do I really want to dive headfirst into this abyss of disjointed rhetoric and restated political opinions transposed from the most recent headlines on”

+karma. IBAWDrifter.

That is why they tried to kill Morgan Freeman in a car accident.

The problem is we need a REAL conservative right now. So you get McCain who is kinda sorta conservative or Obama who is a liberal and not conservative much at all. I really liked Ron Paul :gotme:. I think if we had someone in office with his ultra conservative ideals then it would help this country out greatly.

JEG which specific conservative ideals do you believe the country would benefit from?

Let me quote someone much better at expressing his thoughts than Jeg, Glenn Beck. I’ll bold the ones I really agree with.

A conservative believes that our inalienable rights do not include housing, healthcare or Hummers.

A conservative believes that our inalienable rights DO include the pursuit of happiness. That means it is guaranteed to no one.

A conservative believes that those who pursue happiness and find it have a right to not be penalized for that success.

A conservative believes that there are no protections against the hardship and heartache of failure. We believe that the right to fail is just as important as the chance to succeed and that those who do fail learn essential lessons that will help them the next time around.

A conservative believes in personal responsibility and accepts the consequences for his or her words and actions.

A conservative believes that real compassion can’t be found in any government program.

A conservative believes that each of us has a duty to take care of our neighbors. It was private individuals, companies and congregations that sent water, blankets and supplies to New Orleans far before the government ever set foot there.

A conservative believes that family is the cornerstone of our society and that people have a right to manage their family any way they see fit, so long as it’s not criminal. We are far more attuned to our family’s needs than some faceless, soulless government program.

A conservative believes that people have a right to worship the God of their understanding. We also believe that people do not have the right to jam their version of God (or no God) down anybody else’s throat.

A conservative believes that people go to the movies to be entertained and to church to be preached to, not the other way around.

A conservative believes that debt creates unhealthy relationships. Everyone, from the government on down, should live within their means and strive for financial independence.

A conservative believes that a child’s education is the responsibility of the parents, not the government.

A conservative believes that every human being has a right to life, from conception to death.

And most importantly:

A conservative believes in the smallest government you can get without anarchy. We know our history: The larger a government gets, the harder it will fall.

So other than the abortion thing, my views line up pretty well there.

Glenn Beck is an extreme hate monger and almost none of what you posted has anything to do with what a conservative actually is.

^ No offense Joe, but I’d much rather take my definitition of a modern conservative from Glenn Beck than from you, one of the boards biggest liberals.

And maybe you should watch Beck’s show once and a while, or read his columns. There isn’t much hate there, just reasonable opinion.

Umm I do watch his show, how can I not, it’s on fucking repeat on CNNHN

Beck failed to ask Hagee about controversial statements, instead asked him if Obama might be the Antichrist

CNN’s Beck: “[I]f you’re an ugly woman, you’re probably a progressive as well”

Beck falsely claimed Dem candidates have not supported striking writers

Really, that’s the best “hate” you can find?

I’m sorry man, but when you don’t take the ugly women thing out of context it’s a pretty funny rant. He certainly wasn’t trying to be serious:

BECK: BECK: Now, here’s a story I found: “Surprising reasons you’re not having sex.” Here’s the first one. Your bed isn’t sexy anymore. We hear it over and over again the bed should be used for sex and sleep only. So why do we insist on bringing in third parties, laptops, PDAs, Law & Order, et cetera, et cetera. You know what, my doctor has actually told me that, under doctors’ orders, nothing else in bed. He said just sleep. And I went, just sleep? And my wife said, “You heard him; just sleep.” “Your meds are stealing away your sex drive.” Whoa. Surprised by that one. Reason number 3 you’re not having sex anymore. Your crazy, busy life.

BECK: I mean, here are some other reasons. “You’re ugly.” Hello! I’m not a sex expert but I’m – you know, I’m thinking, you know, you’re ugly and, you know, that’s a tough one to overcome especially if you’re a woman. If you’re a guy, that’s not hard to overcome. I’m sorry. That’s just the way the world is. Have you – how many ugly guys have hot wives? Take me, for example. I don’t know why she married – I think it was low self-esteem. I do. No, really I think it was low self-esteem. I got in – you know, you buy when the market is low. You know what I mean? While everybody else is selling, you buy. And I think I got in there right at the right time. Low self-esteem, low, wait a minute, could go a little lower, she might come down to my price. Hang on, OK, sold! Now her self-esteem is going up. And if my income wasn’t going up, she would have ditched me long ago. She would have gone, “Wait a minute, I think I was depressed when I married you.” I’m just – look. I’m not Tania, but I am a thinker. I’m on to you, Tania!

OK, so anyway, I was talking about ugly people. Ugly people, if you’re a guy, you can get past it. I don’t think you can as an ugly woman. I don’t – no, I don’t. If you’re an ugly woman, I apologize. Oh, you’ve got a double cross, because if you’re an ugly woman, you’re probably a progressive as well. Oh, jeez. I’m sorry. Today’s just not your day. But you know what? If you believed in God, you’d know that there’s going to be another chance for you. You don’t have to be ugly in heaven. You’re going to be your perfect self, and there will be another perfect somebody waiting for you on the other side. Until that time –

McCain will take whatever publicity he can get, he’s going to lose by a landslide.
Everyone I’ve spoken to say’s niether of them is right for the job, but Obama is the “lesser of the 2 evils”

Don’t underestimate the size of the bible belt.

I somehow doubt a landslide victory. I bet there are a ton of moderate liberals who planned on voting for hill dog, but will now vote McCain because of Obamas skin color and his wife.

I think it will actually be fairly close

Don’t underestimate the size of the bible belt.

and lazy people. While a lot of people preach obamas campaign slogan… there will still be a lot of lazy people (college students? :p) who wont bother going to the polls because they think he’s a sure thing

Shit I’m voting for Paris. lmao. But really I don’t think McCain is the right man for the job. Nor do i think that Obama or Hillary are either. We don’t need our grandfathers running the country. We need people who will be able to see the ramifications of their actions and decisions. Just mho.

Honestly i doubt Hillrod or McCain will win. I think Obama has it in the bag. But like someone said. there are too many lazy fucks out there. but I just hope that whoever gets in actually does something worth while with their time there.
