Parking my car for 10 months, advice needed.

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As for storage, I reccomend a climate controlled building - if possible. Dry rot isn’t a whole lot better than too much moisture.

Yea, I did, I knew I forgot to list something.
I was torn for the longest time on what to do about that, cause some people recommended raising the car on jack stands, but I was worried about leaving the suspension hanging, so Iin the end, I decided the tires were the most acceptable risk. I did pump them up, but I don’t expect they’ll still be okay after that long of a storage period.

full tank of high octane gas
fuel stabilizer
let car run for 5-10min to get fuel stab into fuel lines filter etc.
vapor barrior-39.99 home depot 8ft wide and 100ft long rolls should be pleanty lol
oil undercoat
take out batt
lift car off of ground (just take load off of suspension)
start car every month or two drive up and down street (keeps brakes fresh)
oil any nipples that you can see.
top all fluids off and add stb where fesable.
keep out of sun in summer and crack window on hot or sunny days. (keep dash from cracking)

and try to keep it out of sun.

oh yes plus plug intake and exhaust(something that can breath) ie sponge,scratch pads, steel wool
and good wash/wax

This thread is mucho’s old but my opinion just put your parents insurance on the car. By law the car needs to be insured but not insured by everyone who drives it. Atleast thats how it is in quebec

Dont start the car while its in storage untill you actualy plan on driving it.

Do you guys realize this is old? LoL

Still good info for newbs like Wongger.