Parking Ticket Dumb-ass!¡!

So I parked my skyline infront of my buddies res and I was a few minutes late coming back. Got there right after the maid passed by so I got the ticket. I noticed the goof wrote it up as a Mitsubishi and remember hearing about errors and voiding tickets. After doing some research and stumbling across a forum post of a previous Toronto parking authority employee, I found I can get it voided with valid ownership. (Link is
I went to the parking office at eglington to hear a very rude old brawd say"it doesn’t matter what the ticket says about make as long as the license plate is correct"

I found that hard to believe so I called in to talk to a customer service and he voided within seconds.
if I would of just listed to that dusty bag I would of been unjustfully out
of 30+ dollars, more the principal of the thing that the money.

Just goes to show you don’t believe any tomato with a government name tag.

you should murder the guy that said that

thats funny cuz we parked both outr cars ont he street the other night (4th) i think… and got 2 tickets. 40$ each. so 80$… and BOTH were void and dropped cuz the idiot parking douche put down march 7th as the date… LMAO

why is this front desk?

Some people are retarded. I got a $100 parking in a fire route ticket at Sheridan Brampton for stopping to boost someone that was stuck in the fire route. They didn’t get a ticket though lol.

does this apply for HTA tickets?

sheridan brampton is the worst for that, i was sitting in my car and trying to reverse when the loser came behind me and blocked me in and then gave me a ticket.