Private company parking ticket question

ya ya, I only paid for 2 hours of parking, and ended up staying parked there for ~3 hours, and an overzealous parking lot dude wrote me a ticket for overstaying my ticket…it’s kinda bullshit because the lot was only 1/3 full and I actually paid for parking rather than just parking there and not paying which half of the cars there probably did just going off all the tickets I saw on the windshields when I walked back to my car…but whatever that’s here nor there…

My question is, it’s $40 fine for staying an hour over… can they actually get my information from my tags and send it to collections? I mean, they’d have to get in contact with the DMV to get my address,name etc and I believe that the DMV won’t give any information out to a private citizen/company?

This isn’t a pay it or not pay it question, I’m more questioning the legality of them looking up my personal information via my tag numbers

Check the bottom of the ticket. If its not affiliated with the city, they have to say it on the ticket.

Chances are its a BS lot so you are ok. If you park in there again tho, you may get booted.

Post pics of the ticket.


Personal information off a plate? It’s mostly public record. It is easier to get info from a VIN though … which is on your registration sticker.

I’ve gotten a few of those BS tickets… last one I ripped up in front of the lot attendant who just got done writing it and threw it in front of him. It’s all a BS scam IMHO.

Also they don’t send you to collections and even if they did it would never go on your credit report.

haha i have the best story about these guys

basically they booted my car, i took the wheels off while the guy watched me from the lot over and called the cops. switched to my winter wheels, started driving down the street toward the parking lot loser and i got pulled over by no less then 5 cops.

COP: “what do you think you’re doing”
MY DUMB ASS: “driving home from work like i normally do. glad you came.”
C: “whys that”
ME: “because i’m about to see if this guy wants his boot back.”

so i walk up to the parking lot attendant and say “hey, i think you left your boot on my car. you want it back?” in which i was told i have to pay a fine to remove it. “nah i don’t plan on paying any fines today sir, just asking you if you’d like the property back you left on my car.”

the cops stood there and watched in surprise. they say “well you have to pay his fine i guess” to me. i replied “nah, today i won’t be paying a dime to this guy. unfortunately, legally it’s not theft if i’m offering his boot back, and he left it on my property, therefore he is stating right in front of your eyes, he is giving it to me.” the guy called his boss and heard an earful (it was 4:30am) about getting his money. the cop asked me what i planned on doing with the boot, i could ruin the wheel. i told him i’d deliver it to him tomorrow in multiple pieces thanks to my air compressor and grinder.

well, homeboy decided to argue with me more and i laid it out real simple - “look, you’re either taking the boot now, or i’m delivering it tomorrow. and i’m not paying a dime, either.”

the cops couldn’t disagree, so i ended up going home peacefully, not a dime short.

cliff notes: dont pay shit.

the best part, the one cop… "you a law student or something son? “nah, college dropout.” ha

lol. I would have loved to see that.

^ haha

somewhere on my laptop i have a pic of us rolling the wheel with the boot across the street with 5 cops in the background. mad funny.

Want to see.

how did you even get the wheel off?

They were stupid enough to use a boot that doesn’t cover the lugs.

I’ll try and find the pic.

---------- Post added at 02:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 AM ----------

just sorted thru 10000 pictures i had no interest in ever seeing again to find this

here ya go[COLOR=“Silver”]

haha awesome.

They boot here like crazy. They actually have installed sensors in the lots so they know exactly when your time is up. Most times they are rinky dink boots that you can get off like you said.

That pic is EPIC! HAHAHAHA. I love how the cop cars are in attack formation yet they didn’t do anything.

So much awesome in that picture. :tup:

Awesome Don, promoted :tup:

There was a “superhero” going around one of the cities like Cleveland or something that had a portable grinder and would find lots that booted cars and would randomly cut off the boot for people without them knowing.

Don, that story and photo is epic. fuck yea dude.

I always had LONG overdue parking tickets at UB. They didn’t transfer to the DMV or Town or anything, but hose bastards withheld my diploma until I paid them.

Haha I just ran into this too. UB had a ticket from like 2007 on my record. I had a background check by my new employer call and they wouldn’t release my records to them since I had the check stop. Haha.